Maybe I like the notion of nature fighting back after seeing such places as the woods around White Cedar Swamp in Wilbraham being lost to development. Maybe it's a fascination with post-apocalyptic landscapes. Did I watch the Planet of the Apes movies too much when I was a kid?
It's time to stop asking questions and press on to the waterfall.
In the spring and summer the brush is usually too thick to hike to the waterfall from the Camp Angelina site, and there is no longer a bridge crossing the stream from the camp to the other side—one usually has to double back to the golf course and cross a bridge there. But, it being late winter, I am able to bushwhack my way through the leafless growth upstream, and when I hear the rapids, I know I'm getting close. This branch of the Mill River cuts a dramatically deep gorge, and this part of the hike resembles the wilds of New Hampshire and other remote areas.
The steep terrain and ledges are not the landscape you’d associate with Sixteen Acres.
Here is a video of the Mill River as I near the falls. You know, one of these days I’m going to use a real camera and a good video camera instead of a cell phone. Then I’ll replace these videos with quality video. But for the time being, use your imagination.
There! I finally reach the Parker Street lot. (The waterfall is above.) I actually had to walk along the edge of someone’s yard for about 30 feet to get there, because the gorge is too steep to traverse in the woods. So don't follow my idiotic path from the Veterans Golf Course lot. This is really the lot you want to start your hike from. Just park across the street in Sixteen Acres Center near Blockbuster Video, cross Parker Street, and then cross the footbridge over the falls. Here is some cell phone quality video of the falls, which supplied power for, over the course of several hundred years, a sawmill, a gin distillery, and a gristmill. Below photo of the rapids taken from the bridge.
According to an old legend, a man who owned the sawmill in the early 1700s became rich with gold, but, crazed with greed, he killed his wife and children when they discovered where he buried his fortune. Now his ghost can supposedly be seen on the flood plain of the South Branch, obsessively digging up and reburying his gold.
The walk into the woods from the back of the Parker Street lot momentarily takes me away from the stream, but then I hang a sharp left and hook up with the South Branch again and follow it. At one point, when I’m on the opposite side of the brook (the eastern side) facing Camp Angelina, I take another left on an old trail that leads to a place where there used to be a bridge back to the camp. But it’s long gone (below).
There was a pretty study wood bridge here when I was a kid, but now all that’s left are the foundation blocks on both side. The stones are native red sandstone are were undoubtedly cut from the numerous former quarries in the area—possibly the quarries that formed Wilder Pond across the South Branch Parkway, or Red Stone Lake to the south.
Where, oh where, is the freshwater spring I used to stick my bare feet in when I was a kid? It was next to the brook, but the location escapes my memory, and it's probably hidden by dense vegetation now.
I follow the brook until I get back to the golf course, and then I walk across the course, keeping Plumtree Road on my right, to another patch of woods that, surprisingly, has a brand new trail, courtesy of a Boy Scout Project at the Pioneer Valley Christian School. I used to play in this section of woods as a kid, but until recently those trails were long overgrown.

So let's follow my "flight path."
A trail behind the school heads toward the tee on the golf course’s 12th hole, a big keg party spot in the late ’70s and early ’80s. It was a good site to hold a bash because a fire couldn’t be seen from Plumtree Road. Then again, a lot of teenagers used to park in the Emmanuel Church lot next to Ursuline, and once in a while the cops used to get wise to this fact. The police were quite certain that these cars weren’t owned by Saturday night churchgoers, and they were right.
So, moving on, I stay to the right on the course and cross two wood bridges (meant for golfers, not hikers) and then disappear back into the woods, keeping the South Branch of the Mill River on my right. I head towards Bradley Road.
Holy crap! I stumble upon the mummified remains of some kind of fanged animal. A fox? A fisher? Damn! Can anyone identify this critter?

The city closed this unpaved section when illegal dumping and drinking became a problem there.
After I hike to the end of the ghost road and hit pavement, I turn around and take a photo of the dirt road, where it’s blocked by boulders (below).

The South Branch begins in Hampden and winds through a part of Wilbraham, the northeast corner of East Longmeadow and, along the North Branch, eventually meanders into Watershops Pond. From there the Mill River flows through Springfield, where it gets murkier and much smellier through lower Forest Park, and empties into the Connecticut River on Mill Street. The water is amazingly clear in Sixteen Acres, however: you can easily make out the brands on the golf balls that dot the stream bed, forever hiding from their enraged owners.
In the 1970s, I was elbow-to-elbow with countless fishermen and kids on the Bradley Road portion of the South Branch on the first day of fishing season every April. Now that fishing is allowed year-round, the opening day fiasco is just a memory, but the Massachusetts Department of Fisheries and Wildlife still stocks this stream with trout.
Although the South Branch, as it winds pleasantly through Sixteen Acres, doesn't by any stretch of the imagination contain the natural beauty and drama of, say, The Flume in Franconia State Park in New Hampshire, it cut quite an impressive ravine over the millennia, and it did grab the attention of one famous landscape painter: Roswell Morse Shurtleff (1838-1915). He was known for painting the Adirondacks and the Keene Valley in New York, but from 1868 to 1870 he lived in Hartford and summered in the Keene Valley. He probably traveled by the South Branch falls via Parker Street when Route 21 was a major north-south road (its former name was the "Road to Dartmouth College"), noticed the falls, and was spellbound enough to paint either the falls or the gorge.
According to an inventory of American Paintings by the Smithsonian American Art Museum, Shurtleff's South Branch painting is in the hands of a private collector in Florida, but her address is unclear.
Below is the last leg of my walk, with Veterans Golf Couse parking lot straight ahead, on the hill I originally descended to begin the hike. I take a photo of a pond as I cross a bridge.

The animal is obviously a North American Chupacabra
Wow -- this is amazing. I grew up on Plumtree Road and went to Ursuline from 1976 to 1984. I walked this very same path whenever I missed the bus (often on purpose), and I spent endless hours stomping in these woods. This is awesome -- thanks so much!
You must have been one of the last Ursuline classes. When did it close?
We used to go sledding at Veterans every winter. Used to play baseball at the field between Ursuline and the church. WNEC property was like our own personal playground. One year we mistakenly started a fire (unattended campfire) and my buddies began bolting out of the woods towards Emerald Road and Evergreen. I stopped them and we took a rather circuitous route back towards Plumtree. Split up and spend a very nervous evening waiting for the police who never showed up (thankfully)
Thanks for your comment.
I still want to know who built that elaborate underground fort next to Veterans and tapped into the power lines at Kiley in the 1970s!
I have walked those same trails many times. Evening walks with my dog when the golfers we're finished I would park at the school or the church and take the path down to the 14th hole at veterans GC and walk along the Mill River. I never knew the history so this was fascinating thank you very much
Thanks, Daniel.
The last time I checked, the trail off the cart path from the Veterans lot to the old rink was impassable because of the 2011 storms. Has anyone cleared it?
You really shouldn’t be trespassing on the school or golf course property
Grew up across the street on the 11 th hole I’ve trekked those paths to many times to remember played hockey In the 60s on the right side woods on the 12th hole. Still skate on the club house pond with my kids and grand kids, would dam up the stream along the 11 th hole to make a pond, had a bike trail we used to race down to Bradley rd.fished every year at the bradley rd bridge, even kayaked from the back nine bridges to water shops (not easy)had a tree house in one of the tallest pines at the end of clearbrook Dr.can’t even imagine how many golf balls have been found over the years. Even ran a remote controlled boat on the 1st pond
have played numerous back nine rounds of 1 club golf in the past, we drove the golf carts up to the house to get beers in the old days. Learned to ski on the 10th and 11 th hils along with sliding and tubing with my kids and grand kids to this day. South branch park has been my playground for 60 plus years have loved and enjoyed this great protected resource . Thank you Springfield.
It would be great to clean up all the dead and fallen trees and reestablish some of the trails
Hey South Branch Native,
Thanks for commenting. There are six parts to the south branch series. Go down to the bottom of the post and there are links to them all. Part 7 is a huge one and it’s coming in March.
Yes, the trails are in bad shape. I’d love the overgrown trail that hugs the gorge to be rebuilt.
Would you happen to know anything about the woods in woodland park area off Parker street i grew up going to the school there as a kid and my aunt lives there till this day in the surrounding neighborhood there was this legend that there was a girl buried in the soccer field area near the woods but that’s just legends I never found anything out about that
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