Many of the names and some of the descriptions in this blog have been changed to protect the guilty.

Saturday, July 1, 2023

The 1994 Fox Road Murder Mystery, Part 4: The Evil That Men Do

There is an old saying among criminologists: “Familiarity breeds contempt.” The expression has been around for thousands of years. Indeed, most victims and their murderers are at least passingly familiar with one another.

In the early days of the Tammy Lynds murder investigation in 1994, police focused on Tammy’s friends and acquaintances—and for good reason. They questioned people she had mentioned in her diary because she went out one summer night presumably to see someone she knew, and was found in the autumn as a skeleton in the woods.


One or more of her guy pals, lovers, or girlfriends, they reasoned, must know something. But then the trail went cold.


Looking back, nearly 30 years later, there is also the very real possibility that she was killed by some local dirtbag who happened upon her walking on a quiet street in the wee hours. After all, she was found 10 feet from the side of a road, not in the middle of the deep woods. Thursday was payday and a big bar night, and some creep might have found this opportunity too hard to pass up.


Let’s be frank: perverts abound in the area around Fox Road, where she was found. In the neighborhoods off Grayson Drive, North Branch Parkway, and North Brook Road, there have been numerous incidents of sex crimes there over the years.


A Hell’s Acres reader from Lamont Street—Tammy’s street—informed me that his parents told him “that at least three child molesters lived on our street and that we could only ride our bikes back and forth to our neighbors mailboxes so our parents could always see us.”


Another reader from Gilbert Avenue told me that a father on Lamont Street had molested two of his stepchildren over a period of time and his wife’s solution to the problem was simply to send them to summer camp. The reader also recalls that the word on the street for years was that two fathers who lived on Gilbert Avenue were molesting their children—one at the Boston Road end of Gilbert and the other near the intersection of Gilbert and Stevenson Avenue. The latter had such a seedy reputation that a neighbor who lived near one of them used to watch the neighborhood children like a hawk when they played near his house. The fact that Tammy was friends with the children of the Lamont Street father, as well as one of the Gilbert Street molester’s kids, is not lost on this Hell’s Acres reader, because Tammy was over their houses often.


Yes, I know the addresses of these men. No, I’m not going to include them in this post, especially because they have never been convicted of anything. However, there are others in the area that are well-acquainted with our justice system:

  • On Sparrow Drive, there were two brothers convicted of sex crimes—one in 2004 for aggravated rape and armed kidnapping (and gun charges a year earlier), and his brother in 2013 for possession of child pornography.

  • In 1977, a 17-year-old youth who lived at the intersection of Jennings and Methuen Street, a corner on Grayson Drive right opposite Fox Road, surprised two boys in the North Branch Tributary Park—woods across Grayson Drive from the Fox Road woods—and raped a five-year-old child. (I knew the brother of the kid who was able to get away.) In 1994, this guy—by then a middle-aged man—would have had a clear view from his house of Tammy walking down Fox Road and could have swiftly walked or jogged up to her.

  • In 1992, a 33-year-old man who lived on Lloyd Avenue sexually assaulted a 10-year-old girl, but he got probation and was ordered to undergo counseling after he contritely explained that he had “a drinking problem.”

  • A Fargo Street man was convicted of assault with intent to commit rape in 1981 after he grabbed a woman and pulled her into an alley in downtown Springfield. He has since lived in the Springfield area and has been arrested for a multitude of crimes as recently as 2022.

  • Moss Road, on the other side of Mary Lynch School from the Fox Road woods, has been home to several predators. One was imprisoned for kidnapping and raping his daughter repeatedly in the early 1980s and impregnating her. (He claimed that since his daughter was promiscuous, the fetus probably wasn’t his.) 

These men are in addition to the accounts of sexual deviants, flashers, and public masturbators in the reader comments after my first post on Tammy’s murder, including the Lucerne Road guy who was convicted of several sex crimes, such as trying to rape a jogger in 1980 at the corner of North Branch and Sunrise Terrace. As we learned from the victim’s disturbing story she wrote to Hell’s Acres, he was unsuccessful in his attempt to drag her into the Putnam's Puddle Woods. But this man was likely locked up at the time of Tammy’s murder—he had been sentenced to 20 years in state prison for that attempted rape and another rape.

However, another notorious rapist made headlines and terrorized the neighborhood in 1982, prompting women and girls to walk only in groups, and young men to cruise around the neighborhood with baseball bats in their cars, looking for “the underwear on the head” guy, which was said to be his M.O. in order to hide his identity when he attacked teen girls and young women in the woods at the end of Moss Road and Finch Road.


“I remember driving around the streets near my house, with a carload of guys, just trying to see if we could catch the perp ourselves,” said a guy from Pidgeon Drive. “Little did we know he lived right down the street. I had a police scanner and a shopping carriage handle—very heavy by the way—and my friends and I all had sisters, so we were both scared and motivated to help find the rapist.”


At first, he said, it was whispered that the “underwear” rapist was one of the aforementioned brothers from Sparrow Drive, or possibly someone from Starling Drive, but his face was always obscured, making an identification impossible.


The “underwear” rapist hit the area hard in the fall of 1982. In September of that year, a 26-year-old woman was pulled into the Fox Road woods, raped, and robbed by a man wearing what was described as possibly a white ski mask. In October, a 13-year-old girl was dragged into the woods off Riverton Road, across the street from Breckwood Pond, and raped. Residents were worried because Halloween was coming up, when trick-or-treaters would be out at night, so a community meeting was held at the Mary Lynch School. There were concerns that neighborhood youths might suspect the wrong person of being the rapist and would injure him. In fact, in one incident, a teen had been bothering two young girls near the Mary Lynch School, and by the time police showed up, he was surrounded by 20 guys—one with a shotgun. “The kid deserved to be arrested, but he wasn’t the one we were looking for,” said a detective at the scene.


Then, on October 29, 1982, a 19-year-old man from Pidgeon Drive was arrested for the rapes and assaults shortly after he raped and robbed a 17-year-old woman in the woods off Finch Road. It turned out that the “underwear” or “ski mask” covering his face was a large white hockey sock with eye holes cut out—he was on the Putnam High School hockey team. He pleaded guilty to two counts of forcible rape of a child, three counts of aggravated rape, and single counts of rape, assault and battery, assault with a dangerous weapon, and threat to murder. In 1983 he was sentenced to 8-10 years in prison.


In his case, the apple didn’t fall far from the tree: his father was also convicted of statutory rape of a 15-year-old girl, along with molesting an eight-year-old girl (his granddaughter) in the early 1992. He was sentenced to 12-14 years, so he wasn’t out on the streets in 1994.

Again, the possibility that Tammy was attacked by a stranger, or a middle-aged neighbor, is a departure from investigators’ first suspicions. For years, the theory persisted that one of the teen boys in her life was probably responsible. After all, she went out to meet someone at night, and it was soon discovered that Tammy and her friends were playing a bawdy variation of the old schoolgirl “chatterbox” or fortune-telling folded paper game in which a handful of boys names were written on the origami paper creation, and each player had to fool around with whoever’s name came up. Maybe, because of this game, Tammy was put in a situation she didn’t want to be in.


So this poses a scenario in which possibly one of the boys Tammy was “seeing” had found out about other “boyfriends” or “the game,” and exploded in a jealous rage. That’s not too farfetched. Or maybe he found out about her pregnancy—since my last post I’ve talked with yet another person who told me Tammy revealed to a friend that she was pregnant. But 15-year-olds typically aren’t homicidal. It is unknown if Tammy was acquainted with any older guys. As for the boys in Tammy’s circle and their behavior as they became adults, these fellows went on to lives that are similar to their working class contemporaries in Pine Point and Sixteen Acres—many married and are raising families, and some experienced homelessness and addiction, and some got into trouble with the law (including serious trouble), or died too young from “hard living.”


Unfortunately, this is a blog post more about neighborhood freaks than about Tammy. I’d rather write a more victim-centered account, but, as Shakespeare wrote, “the evil that men do lives after them”—and because Tammy didn’t get to live her full life, all possibilities of potential suspects have to be considered. Most of these guys have paid their debt to society, however, a girl has been dead for 29 years, and no one has been held accountable for this monstrous crime.

This is usually the part in my blog posts when I ask anyone with any information to text an anonymous tip or call the Springfield Police, but now it’s getting rather repetitive.


So where does this leave us? Unfortunately, we seem to be no closer to solving this case than we were almost three decades ago. Was it one of Tammy’s friends, an acquaintance, or a stranger? Each day I check my inbox and hope someone writes, “Look, here’s what happened…” Or that the DA will hold a press conference—to announce an arrest, new developments, or new information.

But I guess it’s not going to be that simple, is it?


Read Part 1

Read Part 2

Read Part 3

Read Part 4

Read Part 5

Read Part 6

Read Part 7

Read Part 8

Read Part 9

Read Part 10

Read Part 11

Read Part 12

Read Part 13

Read Part 14

Read Part 15

Read Part 16

Read Part 17

Read Part 18

Read Part 19

Read Part 20

Read Part 21

Read Part 22

Read Part 23

Read Part 24


Anonymous said...

I say publish the addresses. Those guys are likely guilty of something. Might be able to shed light on their other crimes. Is doing that "fair" or proper...no. But then again, neither is taking the life of a 15 year old girl and walking around free for 29 years.

Anonymous said...

Add to Facebook Group Pine Pointers. You will get some info.

Hell’s Acres said...

I’ve added the past few posts to Pine Pointers with little reaction and no comments or emails. To those from Pine Point: urge your friends to comment!

Anonymous said...

I grew up on Pidgeon Drive. I remember being at that meeting at Mary Lynch with my mom. [the underwear rapist] was in the back of the gym listening to the whole meeting. I remember being outside of my house that summer and it was almost dark and went jogging past me . He was creepy and I remember thinking he was up to something because he was definitely NOT a jogger. It was a scary time. I was flashed my someone in a car while walking my dog earlier that year too. I was petrified to walk anywhere after that.

Anonymous said...

I don’t think you can get in trouble for naming previously convicted individuals. Isn’t that the point of convictions, to have a record?
I personally think there needs to be some old mug shots added to these blogs. How can readers identify people they haven’t seen in 30 years? Is there any evidence pictures of that sock used to hide that rapists identity? What were the M.O’s of the other rapists and pedophiles?
Cockroaches always scatter when you turn the light on,

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the cops are hiding all the evidence to me too. Tammy hid her diary in a filing cabinet for a reason and the cops got it anyways. Why only show a page from the week before she went missing? Cops need to stop hiding the truth. #justicefortammy

Ricky said...

I don’t think publishing the names of these people is a good idea, neither is posting their old pictures or anything like that. I did at first, but no one has stepped forward and offered any new information. Why should these Hells Acres bloggers stick their necks out? No one feels comfortable sharing any positive stories about Tammy, no one likes talking about the area north of Strawberry Fields at all. Give them a reason to share more information and write more blogs.

Anonymous said...

No one else chimes in, so I will again. It sounds like you’re on to something big. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
Pedophiles act like kids best friends, then take advantage of them, or make them feel like they need to go along with things or they’ll have to tell their parents about and they’ll get in trouble. With all the woods in that area, monsters could have been stalking kids from the woods, watching them ride by on their bicycles, totally unaware. What else was found in that stretch of woods, when it was searched?

Ricky said...

I’ve been asking everyone “within reason of course”, to help out with this case, any advice they could give, how to keep all this information in order, to help prevent any vital information from being overlooked. I’ve mentioned these blogs and no one feels safe enough sharing or commenting. I’ve joked around with friends and family, telling them “it’s like Tammy was my imaginary friend”. The only stories about her out there, are the ones I’ve shared. Anonymous stories are better than nothing.

Now that you mention it, I don’t think those woods were ever searched. I’ve fished down there, but never walked off the beaten path. It was really nice down there, if you followed the stream, entering around 700’s on north branch pkwy, there was a trail over a mile long, that to brought you almost all the way to N Brook rd. I walked up the rocks, after they reinforced the slope down stream.
I’m not ever sure if there were any other missing girls or boys at that time.

Ricky said...

My mother also got flashed by someone with only a trench coat on, as she was walking my brother and I to visit family on Moss rd, we lived in colonial estates at the time and 3 of our close relatives had homes less than a mile away. That pervert was waiting in the woods between Colonial Estates and Mary M. Lynch school, that was also the direction all 3 live in and there was no way to avoid walking past long lengths of woods, to get to those houses back then. It was either stay home or take your chances, people had to walk and meet us or pick us up, when my dad had the car for work.

Anonymous said...

It does seem like this is all Ricky’s story now. No one has confirmed or denied anything he has said or anything posted online or in those videos. Why aren’t you working together with the Lynds family? Why all the separate stories?

Anonymous said...

What is going on with this case? 🤔
Did anyone see on Facebook that Richard wrote to Ricky? 😮 Ricky responded. Waiting for Richard’s response.

You guys are keeping it classy, bravo 👏

Anonymous said...

What is going on? We can see Richard Lynds and Ricky Stebbins are in contact with each other. Why haven’t they spoken before? We read about the bar incident, was Richard mad that her friend Ricky was out partying and wasn’t helping solve her case?
What new revelations can you share with us?

Ricky said...

Yes,Tammy’s father and I have been in recent contact with each other. I also reached out to Bob Ward, Boston 25, he did a previous interview with Mr Lynds (waiting for a response). I’ve even submitted these Hells Acres blogs to unsolved mysteries, along with my contact info and brief story(not my long winded type). If more people submit Tammy’s story and are willing to speak up. There is a real chance that someone will notice our efforts.
I honest never thought about it before, but pointed out that I might have been singing some dumb songs that could’ve been upsetting and maybe he wanted to say something, but wasn’t given the chance. It’s easy to distance yourself from people, especially when there’s a dead young girl at the heart of it all and emotions can get the best of people at times. The things we say and the way we act can be upsetting to other people, when it’s all coming from a pain deep inside.
I don’t have any new information to add, after talking with Mr Lynds, I think it would be better if I ask him about anything he will allow me to share, as far as info or ideas he’s shared with me. I’m not here trying to point fingers or try to blame anyone for any mistakes that were made in this case.
Mr Lynds did ask if Tammy mentioned any pregnancy and confirmed that the same people ignoring me now are also keeping him out of the loop.
I’m trying to convince Mr Lynds and Hells Acres to contact each other. I’m hopeful that some of the information that is still available, can help us down the right path.
I wasn’t allowed to talk to the Lynds after Tammy went missing, after her remains were found, I was shocked that her case vanished from the news and totally stalled.
What are these recordings Lou has, that can help us start sorting things out?
I’m still hoping other people will share a few happy stories about Tammy. I know it’s been a while, but a few friends or family must remember something.
Did she play any sports?
Did she take dance class?

Anonymous said...

Omg…. does this bring back memories. Tammy’s cousin went to school with us, why hasn’t she shared any memories? Or Joshy?

Davey and Tammy were summer school sweethearts. Central was very clicky, you had to be cool to hang with certain groups. The more promiscuous girls got some side action, they’d do stuff the hot chicks refused. lol

Who else was there for spin the bottle? We would go in the closet with our partners, then save our stories for later. I always exaggerated, did everyone else? lol

Hell’s Acres said...

Who was Davey? Don’t worry—I won’t publish the last name. I think I might know, but would like to confirm because we are reconstructing that summer until she went missing so any information helps. She knew a few David’s. You can also tell me at hellsacres@gmail.com.

Anonymous said...

David B. was really strange. April B. was Tammy’s cousin, but they hated each other in high school. Tammy wasn’t one of the cool kids and had a mouth that wouldn’t quit. April was best friends with Kelly C. I don’t know why Ricky didn’t tell you any of this. He’s not friends with Kelly on Facebook but has a picture with just him and her in his photos.

I know April was pissed that Tammy fooled around with Ricky. He definitely wasn’t such a hottie back in high school.

Anonymous said...

Kelly Hooper, Kristy Gzimalowski, Melanie Glynn, Virginia Hudson, Aiden Kelly, Anna Leilien, Mike Edgett, Joe Morrissey, Michael Rabbit, Dominique Potter were all friends with Tammy. The police had to be called to school a few times for the fights Tammy got into and kids were transferred to other schools. Joe had to switch school, he got into a lot of trouble. Mike edgett was super popular, he was friends with everyone

Anonymous said...

Joe Morrissey transferred to Putnam to learn a trade. Not because of getting into trouble. Lol

Anonymous said...

Jenny E. could tell all about Tammy too. They were best friends. She was with Tammy and Ricky the night his bike was stolen, Jenny and Tammy wanted to have a threesome with Ricky but he was to chicken. Jenny thought he was gay. He always kept his hands to himself. He wouldn’t play along with them. They fooled around in front of him, he just watched, he didn’t join in. Lmao

Anonymous said...

This case will never be solved. Too many liars are involved. To many secrets are being kept.

I want to know what’s up with those ghost videos?
Why don’t the stories in the news videos and ghost videos match?

Hell’s Acres said...

We are now receiving information about a birthday party on Lamont Street around the time Tammy went missing (7-21-94). She might have attended. If Does anyone know anything about this? Uncomfortable commenting in public? hellsacres@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Tammy told people she had a secret boy friend Bobby Boucher. He bought her alcohol and cigarettes. He lived up the street. He was at her wake

Hell’s Acres said...

If he bought alcohol for her he must have been much older. How old was he?

Anonymous said...

I don’t know how old he was. He was best friends with Scott and S. He and Scott were local street pharmacists. They could get whatever goodies you wanted

Hell’s Acres said...

Do you think he had anything to do with Tammy’s death?

Anonymous said...

Why don’t you guys know this already? If you’re working together. You should know all these people and their ages. Richard spoke to each these guys personally. Josh gave him all the guys names that Tammy was talking to. It wasn’t a secret

Hell’s Acres said...

OK you should probably email me with some of these comments that are probably not for public consumption.

Hell’s Acres said...

How about emailing me with some useful information? That way I know you’re not random dude making comments for amusement.

Anonymous said...

Bobby liked things quiet and her family was bad for business. They never knew when to shut up. Trouble with a capital T

Anonymous said...

If someone liked things quiet why would they be with an underage girl? Seems risky? No? If I was a drug dealer I wouldn’t get involved in that for many reasons . So this guy didn’t like that her family was vocal then why would he even get involved with such a young girl with a family like that? Seems strange . Is this rumor or have you talked to Bobby?

Anonymous said...

Did any of you guys notice that Bobby is also listed on the Hampden county cold case page?

Hell’s Acres said...

Yes, and he lived over on Ambrose Street, not far from Lamont. I assume he got killed resisting a drug deal ripoff, but who knows?

Anonymous said...

Bobby who? I lived at 171ambrose st at the time of Tammy's disappearance. I was just shy of ten years old at the time and didn't know Tammy well although I remember josh and Richard bc my brother Ron and I were in the same cubscouts troop. My sister Melissa was Tammys age and went to central high with her and knew her well I imagine. Even though I was young this case affected me and has stuck with me over the years. My family and I left pine point in the summer of 96 for Arizona where I've been ever since and I've kept tabs on the case every few years hoping they would solve it and find justice for Tammyband her loved ones. I wish there was some comfort I could give or shed any light on the case but I was so young and didn't know her that well she was five or six years ahead of me in school. I just wish they something breaks and the person or person's who are responsible are exposed and punished. I don't remember a bobby on ambrose and I thought I know everyone on that street that summer but it's been thirty years and I hi can't made the trip back yet in all these years. Could someone plz refresh my memory?

Anonymous said...

Hey Scotty, they were talking about Boucher. He was found with gun shot wounds on Dresden st Sept 95.

Anonymous said...

Have you shown your sister any of these blogs? Any info she remembers could be very helpful.

Anonymous said...

Who said this?