Many of the names and some of the descriptions in this blog have been changed to protect the guilty.

Thursday, October 5, 2023

The 1994 Fox Road Murder Mystery, Part 11: The Pit and the Grave—and the World Beyond

What happened to the missing case file and evidence in the 1994 Tammy Lynds murder? In 2013, the DA’s office told Richard Lynds that it all had been lost. 

To be sure, the mishandling of evidence has long been a sore point for the Springfield Police. The department hasn’t exactly been plagued by the scandals about lost evidence in homicide investigations that other local agencies have suffered from, including the missing weapon in West Springfield’s 1982 Joanne Welch murder (a belt) and the 1972 bludgeoning death of Danny Croteau in Chicopee (a rock).


Still, the 2016 arrest of Springfield Police narcotics evidence officer Kevin Burnham sent shock waves through the community when he was accused of stealing nearly $400,000 from the evidence room at the Pearl Street headquarters over the years. The department’s sloppy record keeping came into the spotlight with this embarrassing case (he ended up killing himself because of it), but the chaos of its evidence storage conditions had been long documented before that, including a 2009 story in the Springfield Republican newspaper mentioning that the evidence room being so cramped and overflowing that some evidence had to be kept in holding cells.


Moreover, a newspaper story in 2000 about the outgrown and outdated station pointed out that overflow evidence was being stored in a trailer truck behind the building.


Were the Tammy Lynds file and evidence in her case mislabeled or lost during one of those hasty storage transfers, or was it simply thrown away because the murder wasn’t labeled an unsolved homicide publicly until it was listed as such on the DA’s website in 2012?


* * * * * * *

Richard has long argued that Tammy’s lost case file and evidence were somehow buried with her in 1994, a theory that doesn’t hold up under scrutiny, because there are easier ways to destroy files and evidence than putting it in her casket, where it could be exhumed and see the light of day. However, at present, Richard is trying to reach out to the Sampson Funeral Home to get an itemized list of what exactly was in her casket. As far as he knows, all that was placed in there was Tammy’s body, her photo, and her dress. But maybe there’s more—rumor has it that multiple people had put cards and letters in the coffin.

What if Tammy’s missing lock-and-key diary, the diary seen by no-one but her mother Susan, were somehow slipped into the casket? It could hold vital information—yes, possibly also embarrassing revelations about her fights with her mother and other family secrets—but also possible details about the days leading up to her disappearance. Does the possibility about a stashed diary and its potential revelations, along with other messages, make the case for exhuming Tammy’s body?


Richard thinks so, pointing out that there also have been advances in forensic technology in the past three decades. However, the victim/witness advocate in the DA’s Office told him that an exhumation is not warranted in this case—a judge would have to sign a court order to get this done. And after all, what could they glean from a skeleton that has now been underground for that long? Well, it can be argued that things have changed since 1994—anthropologists have taken a progressively larger role in medical examiner’s offices over the years, and there have been increased—and more accurate—bone trauma analyses of skeletal remains in the past few decades. These improvements include the improved analysis of sharp force trauma, and since a knife was found under Tammy’s skeleton, her remains might be worth another look.


Could a new analysis allow for the events surrounding her death to be reconstructed, and possibly affect the manner-of-death classification? Richard pointed out that in 1994, the handling of the crime scene was rushed— there was no evidence van when police scoured the area behind the logs where Tammy was found. He submitted a photo taken of the television screen of the news report:


“Two officers picked up the bag, walked over to one of the police cars and dumped the bag in the trunk of the car and left,” said Richard. A newspaper story reported that Fox Road was closed for more than three hours during the crime scene investigation. We don’t know how long investigators were there, but at the risk of sounding like armchair detectives, it’s widely known that crime scene investigations typically take days, not hours. 


* * * * * * *


The notion of a teenage gathering spot in the woods called The Pit has come up as a possibility of where Tammy was heading the night she went missing. There’s was a sand pit in the woods at the southern end of Lamont Street—woods that have long been replaced with housing.


You can see The Pit as the white speck in the 1997 Google Earth photo below:


In fact, my friends and I spent the night partying and sleeping in this opening in the woods, which were nicknamed Strawberry Fields by locals, on July 4, 1980–an evening detailed in another blog post.


The sand pit still existed in 2001 in this historicaerials.com photo.


That pit was right where Pearson Drive is now. I had screen grabbed a Google Maps aerial photo years ago before they built houses there, right in the middle:


There is also a pit in the woods across the street from where Tammy was discovered—off the southwestern side of Fox Road. Here is its location, at the head of the arrow to the right:

These woods have long been the domain of squatters, especially in the east end of North Branch Park, where there has been a homeless encampment behind the Walmart building for decades. In fact, a homeless person from the neighborhood lives near the Fox Road pit right now.


In 2019, paranormal investigator Lou Rock and his team investigated the area and documented it on video. They dug a little bit in the pit, and found a pair of women’s underwear:


However, according to an inventory of items found with Tammy’s remains, Tammy was wearing a pair of underwear when she was killed, so the undergarment on the video were likely not hers, unless she had brought a change of clothes. Her sister, Allison, said Tammy had brought nothing with her, but she also said Tammy was dressed in all black the night she vanished and she was found inexplicably wearing jeans. Furthermore, a year later, relatives and friends found a blouse in the Fox Road woods. When they showed it to Allison, she “turned pale and said, ‘that’s the one Tammy was wearing,’” wrote their mother, Susan, in the many notes she took after the murder.


The police refused to accept the blouse as evidence, saying it had been contaminated, and they would certainly say the same thing about underwear found by civilians decades later.


Did a change of clothes take place for Tammy in the night of July 21, 1994 or later? If so, it raises the possibility that Tammy could have spent the night somewhere (she did allegedly tell a friend she was running away to a lover’s house hours before) and was killed afterward.


In any case, I may be making an overassumption here, but it’s unlikely Tammy was killed in the area of the Fox Road pit. Who would risk dragging her across the road and getting caught? If anything, he or they would have pulled her deeper into the woods, away from a path. It’s true the murderer could potentially stand at the edge of the woods and around 3:00 a.m., and if he heard nothing and saw no headlights on Grayson Drive or North Branch Parkway, he could go for it—haul a 115-pound girl across the road and then using all his might to pick her up and throw her over a log. This would leave her much, much closer to discovery and leave the perp all sorts of ways to leave evidence, including DNA.


* * * * * * *


Lou Rock’s paranormal investigations of the Tammy Lynds murder include more than 15 videos that include attempted communications with her using a “spirit box” that rapidly scans radio frequencies to contact the dead. In my second post on the Tammy Lynds murder, I disparaged the spirit box, despite the fact that his interviews with Richard and Allison were not only heartfelt, but also revealing, disclosing for the first time that a knife was discovered under Tammy, and divulging the names of two people she was “dating”—Ricky and David.


His first videos on Tammy Lynds in 2019, taken when the murder was long off the public’s radar, reinvigorated the case’s tired blood and got people interested in the murder again.

So last May I took out the part in my blog post in which I questioned the validity of using the spirit box. Just because I don’t believe in it doesn’t give me the right to put it down. For all I know, there may be something to it—I certainly don’t discount the existence of paranormal phenomena. These spirit box sessions began after Lou Rock swore he had been contacted by Tammy from beyond, but this isn’t the only spectral event associated with the murder: there was Richard’s “vision” of Tammy detailed at the end of the last post.

And, according to notes taken by Tammy’s mother Susan, two years after Tammy’s death, a couple of the girl’s old friends were walking in the woods close to where she was found when one of them heard light footsteps following them and “Find my killer” was whispered into his ear:

I’ll have to admit these aren’t the first supernatural occurrences in a murder case that I’ve heard of. On April 14,1989, in the Apremont Triangle area of downtown Springfield, Springfield College student Eric Palmer was stabbed to death after leaving the Boardwalk Pub on Chestnut Street. His girlfriend, who was clubbed to the sidewalk in the attack, was getting ready to testify against the assailant nearly a year later in the trial when weird things started happening in her off-campus apartment. They were the kind of occurrences usually attributed to a poltergeist: rearranged furniture overnight, disappearing objects from closets, sink faucets inexplicably turned on, and doors slamming.

The events ratcheted up in the final days of the trial, and Palmer’s girlfriend and her roommates really did attribute all this weirdness to his restless soul seeking justice—the mysterious incidents all stopped when Charles Fryar Jr. was convicted of first degree murder.

So far be it from me to give no credence to this stuff. Allison, in her interview with Lou Rock, said she believes that until Tammy gets justice, her spirit still wanders the earth. “I know she’s not at peace,” said Allison. “I know she goes between where she was found on Fox Road to the house we grew up in on Lamont Street to where she’s buried. And she’s in limbo. Until she’s able to get closure, she’s never going to be at peace.”

Read Part 1

Read Part 2

Read Part 3

Read Part 4

Read Part 5

Read Part 6

Read Part 7

Read Part 8

Read Part 9

Read Part 10

Read Part 11

Read Part 12

Read Part 13

Read Part 14

Read Part 15

Read Part 16

Read Part 17

Read Part 18

Read Part 19

Read Part 20

Read Part 21

Read Part 22

Read Part 23

Read Part 24


Anonymous said...

I have read all these parts of the blog and comments pertaining to the blog. I have seen the father and sister comment, but how about the mother and brother? I heard the mother had a boyfriend back then who she is now married to. Some say Tammy knew and that would cause arguments between her and her mother. Was it just talk? May she find peace.

Anonymous said...

It’s unfair to bring up any infidelity on the mother’s part, if you’re not going to talk about the fathers. It was rumored that he would see other women while out on business trips. How do we know this wasn’t a mutual thing?

Anonymous said...

So both parents were cheating? Sheesh.

Echo said...

What do you mean when you write “trying to reach out to the Sampson Funeral Home to get an itemized list”? They’re very friendly and helpful at Sampson, a simple phone call would have given you the answer you’re looking for, they have it, they don’t have it, they will get back to you.
Do you guys need the phone number?
Why does there always seem to be confusing regarding simple tasks in this case? It would appear you’re being jerked around Hell’s Acres.

Anonymous said...

I’m kinda confused hopefully someone can clarify what you mean by missing diary?
I see you’re trying to postulate that the mother kept this dairy for herself and only provided law enforcement with photo copies of the pages she herself thought were important to solving this case?
What explanation was given to detectives after Tammy’s body was found for the disappearance of this dairy? They couldn’t have been happy about these revelations.

Anonymous said...

It would appear Ricky’s gamble has paid off in spades.♠️ This is quite the turn of events for your ~1994 Fox rd Murder Mystery and totally unexpected I might add.
Don’t let him muck this up and turn it into a revenge story. Your hard work has given you a unique opportunity that most people never get.

Anonymous said...

Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.

29 years later and people are finally realizing that they have a voice and that their voices matter.

Within these stories lie both the best and worst of mankind. Good verses Evil, Right verses Wrong. A tale as old as time itself.

I have a gut feeling that some important information is about to be revealed to all of you readers. Just you wait and see. The clock is ticking.

Anonymous said...

People take for granted the fact that families and relationships can be very hard work at times. It would seem in this case that there was a total breakdown in communication long before this young girl went missing.
It is unfortunate that the father wasn’t honest with you about all of the things from the start or at the very least before it was brought up in today’s huge reveals. It was bound to happen sooner or later, though it might have been better to try getting ahead of this before it was dumped in readers laps.

Now which direction is this case going to take?
One would think the Lynds would respond to this in some way shape or form. This isn’t a joke or something to be taken lightly.

Are there any other friends or family members who are willing to step forward to help solve Tammy’s case?
What else has everyone been missing?
What else did people see that isn’t in the blog posts?

We don’t know what we don’t know.

It’s pretty obvious in this case that the only way this young girl is ever going to get Justice, is if people that knew her and cared about her step up and set the story straight.

Anonymous said...

This is probably gonna sound harsh as fuck but it’s true. A 30-40 year old dude would be able to yank a 115 lbs girl by her hair and jeans, right out of a car and fling her corpse right over a log that’s a foot or two off the side of the road within a matter of seconds. Given the dark location, the killer might have even had warnings from head lights of any cars passing on nearby streets.
Some local drunk might have grabbed her, killed her, dumped her and not even remember doing it.

Anonymous said...

This case is finally heating up. Wow

Anonymous said...

Because you have been writing this series in order, it has been very simple to keep track of almost all of the new and mysteriously deleted comments. It informs you of the number of comments at the bottom of the story, without ever having to open the page. That scroll feature really helps speed up this process.

We’re not sure which one of you placed that little log on “you know whose” front steps yesterday. At this point we don’t think it really matters exactly “who” placed it there. We just wanted to let you to know that those stairs are right outside their nephews window.

Just to let everyone know, someone was also placing little cut logs on Lumpy’s door steps, causing him severe anxiety and emotional distress right before he overdosed.

No wonder everyone is afraid to speak up about this case.

Has anyone else received gifts like this after speaking up about the Lynds family?

Has anyone else received threats after being asked any questions about Tammy? Real or perceived, we would like to know.

Anonymous said...

Someone thought they were a Master of Skulduggery. Fool Heathen.

Anonymous said...

This blog is a mess

Anonymous said...

Looks like Richard Lynds deleted his facbook page, any thoughts on that

Anonymous said...

Do you think the Lynds and Rocks are laughing about that Turtle Boy blogger getting arrested for witness intimidation? They charged him with conspiracy too.

Anonymous said...

How unfortunate that the search for Tammy ended just as her body was reaching peak decomposition. The smell definitely would have alerted overly imaginative kids. The sound of flies would have attracted people for some distance. If kids were riding past this area on a regular basis, how are you trying to explain her being missed?

Anonymous said...

How does the dad remember where that stranger was when he saw that hubcap, but he doesn’t remember where they found his daughter’s body? He even gestured to where the hubcap was. At least he remembered where his wife said the corpse was.

Anonymous said...

Do you think someone could get in trouble for knowing about those little logs being put on peoples steps, but not saying anything to authorities about it? Like if people heard about it from the people doing it

Hell’s Acres said...

Hi folks. Not ignoring this, but the flurry of comments has caught me off guard. No, I’m not publishing the stupid, inflammatory ones. Some people think this is a movie or something, and that these family members are fictional characters and don’t have real feelings? Empathy goes a long way, people. If it’s not a quality of yours, don’t bother commenting. You’re wasting your precious hate time.

Ricky said...

That’s been the biggest problem with this case since day one, everyone keeps getting caught off guard. That’s never happening again, I’m sick on this type of behavior. I warned Richard Lynds about this on October 4, he told me he’s in charge, he should’ve shared this information with you.
I honestly thought this family was a made up fucking joke. Richard never responded to any on my questions, Allison said she didn’t remember the families last name and everyone talked in circles about any real leads and possible suspects. It all sounded completely fucking stupid to me.

If I had shared this with you first, maybe it wouldn’t seem like such a cluster fuck, but all I was told was that you were sent an anonymous comment that would turn heads.
There wasn’t any details, then I heard Susan lead searches and Richard wasn’t around.

When Allison wrote me, I knew I was on to something, she usually ignores all the info I gather. She was quick to tell me how wrong I was. Ever since I first saw Richard in those videos, I felt like he’s been challenging someone to call his bluff, he’s exploded on people for no reason, he’s told twisted versions of the truth for no reason.
Now I call that bluff and someone pops up with the truth, then Richard disappears without any explanation. That screams guilt to me. I’m sorry if I hurt his feelings, I was almost 16 years old when Richard started fucking with me mentally. I’m sure none of this has affected anyone else either.

If I’m wrong, Richard needs to come back and start explaining. He wanted to join in, he doesn’t get to quit.

Anonymous said...

Conspiracy, intimidating witnesses, Misleading investigators, Tampering with evidence. etc

If any of you know about this attempt to silence witnesses and advocates of Tammy, please find a way to share it with authorities without placing yourself in any danger. If you played any part in these threats or was witness to any part, you should remind yourselves that this is a murder investigation, it would be wise of you to report it to authorities sooner, rather than later.

If Richard Lynds played any part in this, whether actively involved in its conception or merry had knowledge of its implementation and he shared this with you. Please check for any texts or emails dated before October 9, 2023 9:40am. Did Richard send any messages expressing his feelings about these threats?

If this can be traced back to anyone in your group here, they are going to have a lot of explaining to do.

Ricky said...

Thankfully I only sent this info to one person and that wasn’t Hell’s Acres. I wasn’t even going to respond to it, until I saw a comment about it already posted for me.
I sent a picture Sunday October 8,2023 at 5:16pm to someone. You might be able to tell, I posted my little rant after it finally dawned on me what everyone had said to me.

As fate would have it, that Little Log got moved early in the morning, so I was completely unaware of it until a neighbor asked what was dropped on my steps. If there is a trail to follow, it’ll be a short one.

These little games aren’t going to stop us from asking questions. We deserve answers.

Anonymous said...

A young girl is found dead behind a log, 29 years later her friend starts speaking out about her case.
Then one of you in your infinite wisdom got the bright idea to leave a log on that friends front door step??????
That’s fracking insane
If her dad had any prior knowledge of this, Holy Frack Hell’s Acre
Wtf is going on here????????

Anonymous said...

Are you guys trying to turn this into a bad comedy? I can’t even say this without laughing out loud.

Ricky speaks out.

Someone gets the bright idea to leave another log, but on Rickys front door steps this time, hoping maybe he mysteriously dies from an overdose too.

Ricky goes all day without noticing

People involved spend all day messaging each other, leaving a trail a mile long, wondering why Ricky hasn’t started spouting off online.

Fast forward a few days and you find out that Ricky only told one person. Now everything is coming unraveled. You have a suspect and time frame.

Do you think Tammy’s spirit had people move that log until Ricky was ready to learn about it: The Ghost of Tammy set her Killer up.

Who did Ricky tell? They have some explaining to do.

Anonymous said...

It almost seems like Ricky and his friends were being set up to find Tammy’s body. He says they traveled that path many times. Susan was playing defense and coordinating searchers to survey others areas. If the Lynds knew this was a path Ricky traveled often, it could explain why she was so haphazardly disposed of and why the search was called off so abruptly and why Richard was never a part of it to begin with.
Has anyone checked the relationship between the Lynds and the Schmidt’s?
That story about riding bikes and spying a hubcap he could use, sounds totally fabricated.
A father riding down a path with his son, towards a dangerous road, where cars wouldn’t see a little kid coming and you want us readers to believe this guy spotted a hubcap and wasn’t paying attention to his son? Wow

Anonymous said...

We know you’re not a team player; we get that, but we hook you up. Hook your readers up.
We know you guys aren’t reporters, investigators, lawyers, law enforcement, spies. But you’re into something so do something not freeze. Surprise us, do a citizens arrest

Anonymous said...

How are true crime fans not drooling all over this? Are you able to limit this blog’s exposure?

Anonymous said...

1. How does this new information affect your civilian investigation? A blackout drunk scenario creates a serious problem.

2. Are you positive the father was cleared as a suspect in this case? Detectives aren’t required to tell civilians the truth in the instances.

3. Can anyone shed any light on this secret the father asked Ricky to keep? You guys make a lot of claims and then ignore them when people ask questions.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Please don’t tell us there is no proof and we readers are expected to believe all the suspects in this case.

Anonymous said...

I think Tammy would find this fitting 🪵 A log is what takes her killer down 🪵 Tammy used to sing this jingle

What rolls down stairs

Alone or in pairs,

Rolls over your neighbor's dog?

What's great for a snack

and fits on your back?

It's Log, Log, Log!

It's Lo-og, Lo-og,

It's big, it's heavy, it's wood.

It's Lo-og, Lo-og,

It's better than bad, it's good!

Everyone wants a Log!

You're gonna love it, Log!

Come on and get your Log!

Everyone needs a Log (everyone wants a Log)...

You're gonna love it, Log!

Anonymous said...

So many possibilities here as to guilty parties...Ricky, Ricky 's dad, Lumpy, Richard, maybe a side-broad of Richard's, Susan, Susan's side guy, one of the school kids who had a beef against her....Christ, who ISN'T a suspect here?? Something about Susan be and her side guy just sticks out here...maybe Tammy knew something she wasn't supposed to know or maybe a side dude did something with Tammy...got her pregnant...and had to take care of the "problem". There's just nothing really coming from the mother and to me, that is odd.

Ricky said...

1. I think this leaves us right at the very beginning. I’ve talked with several people who have been verbally attacked by Richard after he’s asked them questions. Every instance has only served to scare and intimidate people into silence. Nothing was ever gained from this ridiculous behavior. For anyone doubting me, simply scroll through his Facebook book page. There are video copies incase anything was recently deleted.

2. No

3. I’ll share screen shots of my messages with Richard Lynds. I have nothing to hide and I really want to know what happened to my friend Tammy. It’s obvious his actions were designed to upset me and hopefully get me to lose interest in Tammy’s case.

Ricky said...

After talking with people today, I’m certain Tammy was pregnant or at least thought she was. I haven’t asked if she had taken a test or was just late for her period.

She probably even told her parents it was my baby on Thursday July 21, 1994; she was mostly likely hoping her parents and I would have our confrontation 29 years ago.
Tammy knew that it wasn’t mine, I would’ve been so loud, there would’ve been a spotlight on their family until the DNA test came out.

3rd time is the charm? I should’ve opened my big mouth back in 1994, I failed again at Mingles 2009ish, I’m not stopping this time. I’ve endured Richards disgusting behavior for long enough.

Explain your behavior at Mingles Richard. Did Tammy tell you she was pregnant? Did she say ricky and I will be better parents than you ever were?
Is this why you’ve always acted this way towards me?

Anonymous said...

Sharing screen shots doesn’t answer the question. Can you just say what the secret was?

Anonymous said...

Tammy loved horror movies. I think she would have been happy to know people were talking about her on this Friday the 13th. I know a lot of those movies were cheesy, but they really were the greatest growing up. I wonder how many horror movies Tammy rented from Handy Corner? It’s not the same there anymore, I haven’t shopped at any of those businesses in decades. Is there still a variety store there? How many of you also bought penny candies there back in the day? Times sure have changed. Happy Friday the 13th Tammy

Anonymous said...

You guys are just making shit up. Richard Lynds didn’t delete his Facebook account. He just wrote me asking my name and my interest in his daughters case.

Anonymous said...

How did he know to write me? Does he know where I live?

Hell's Acres said...

To whom it may concern: when you write a comment like "so much evidence pointing towards" someone, I'm not going to publish such a blanket statement without you providing facts to back it up. OK?

Anonymous said...

Out of everything you’ve learned since a sober witness came forward, you decided to respond to some comment about “evidence”? What about eye witness testimony?
Readers can see what’s going on here.
Is someone regretting taking sides?

Anonymous said...

If Ricky is learning all this new stuff about Tammy, why isn’t he sharing it?
Just because he’s having it out with her dad doesn’t mean the rest of the family wouldn’t be interested in learning about her.

Anonymous said...

Tammy was a real spitfire. She loved fish tanks. Her family had one in their living room. I also had gold fish, crawdads and newts in my fish tanks. She once asked me, if I could breathe under water where would I go? Maybe 20,000 leagues? Our imaginations were pretty far out there. She also asked me If I had friends under water, who would I know? I believe whoever those friends were, they would most likely sing a lot. She liked race cars, lasers, airplanes. She liked solving mysteries. If only she could rewrite history.

Anonymous said...

If you walked up the stairs, Tammy’s and Allison’s room was on the right, you walk in and Tammy’s bed was on the right, right next to the door. One window faced west towards the street in that cubby, that little roof blocked your view north up the street, not down and the other window faced south, down the street.
Can Allison explain which gate Tammy went out to avoid the motion light? Also can you use Google maps and point out the shed those two guys were standing behind? And the direction Tammy walked once out on the road.
Having a clear picture painted for us would be a lot easier to understand.

Anonymous said...

Can we get some clarification?
In blog 9, you posted pictures from what appears to be a court document. It says that Susan last saw Tammy around 11:30 Thursday the 21st, yet she made no reference to Tammy’s state of dress.
She then states Tammy’s bed looked slept in and her night gown was laid out.
Can anyone tell readers how Tammy’s bed got messed up, if she never slept in it?
You’re claiming she left right after she said goodnight. Allison clearly didn’t say she watched Tammy change into all black. She just says she was wearing all black, when asked about what Tammy was wearing.

It also says that Susan noticed the door when she got up. Richard says Susan was up before he was in that video.
I don’t understand their story timeline. How was Richard unaware of Tammy’s absence? It almost seems like he is going to want readers to believe he was hoping Tammy would show up at summer school. That’s why he left the house without seeing her like he did every other day before school.
The kids made their beds every morning before leaving for school. Tammy was failing classes she should’ve passed with ease. Tammy was attending summer school for failing, not for being an overachiever. She was struggling emotionally and desperately wanted people to like her and from what it seems, her family life was the root cause of all her issues.
These were different times, we’re not trying to judge the morality of what happened in their home. We just want to understand what really happened to Tammy.
Also, Richard said that Tammy and Allison woke him up between 9 and 10:30. Can Allison tell us what Tammy was wearing when they woke him up? This was before Susan checked on Tammy’s homework.
So horribly depressing that Susan didn’t hear Tammy and Allison crying when Tammy was saying how scared she was to sneak out.

Anonymous said...

Why do anonymous comments dominate these blogs?

Anonymous said...

If the family isn’t going to respond, can anyone else tell us about that secret room in their house?

Anonymous said...

Is anyone working on anything? I have a deep connection to the spirit realm; so you can trust me when I say that there has been a shift in polarity; there is a darkness within your group; beware; Specters of the past speak of violations, innocence lost; your fears of the truth do not make them any less real; speak your truth; release your pain.

Anonymous said...

In my dreams Tammy is often standing near a dark portal. I scream to her; take my hand. I want to pull her towards the light. She whispers: I can’t leave. I turn and see that part of Tammy still remains on the slope where her body was found. I believe the portal is the bridge on Fox rd; it symbolizes her wanting to pass on the next life. The passage is dark because although her body is no longer here, her spirit has a purpose. She can not rest until the truth is revealed.

Anonymous said...

A sign?
Joran Van der Sloot to give details of Natalee Holloways Murder in exchange for a transfer after a recent assault.

Anonymous said...

It was less of a room and more like a really big closet.

Anonymous said...

I really feel like someone needs to reach out to the sister or brother. We need a drawing of the inside of that house, she can draw a line on a Google maps screen shot. I for one would like a better idea of which way Tammy traveled. Darn shame they weren’t helping from the start

Anonymous said...

I’ll try to help if I can, loved the Lynds living room, back in 94, they had hardwood floors with an area rug in the middle. They had these cool wood beams supporting the ceiling, it was all stained, same with windows and handle rail leading upstairs. There was a wall bookcase next to the front door.

Upstairs Tammy and Allison had a room on the right, it was weird and shaped like an L, if you went in, Tammy’s bed was on the right, Allison’s bed was to the left next to the south facing window. If you turned left, there was a closet with a door almost like you were exiting back out of the room. They had a little desk to do homework by the west facing window, it was a tight area with slanted roof

Josh’s room was on the left upstairs, he had a little cubby storage area in that slanted with the roof. He had 2 windows one that faced east and one south

They had 2 bathrooms. One toilet and sink upstairs
A full bath downstairs with glass doors next to the kitchen
The kitchen had an L-shaped counter. The stove was across from the kitchen door. There was a window facing west and a table in the middle of the room.

Their parents bedroom was in the northeast corner and had windows facing in those directions. Their closet was on the wall between their room and the living room.

There was another room south east in the house, it had a window facing south and door that exited east.

There was no secret room in the basement, maybe it was in Tammy and Allison’s room, it was the weirdest shape.

Anonymous said...

I can’t help but be reminded about that Michelle Carter case, it took place here in Massachusetts. Do you think anyone responsible for Lumpys death will also face charges? He just wanted to be left alone and didn’t deserve what happened those final days.

Anonymous said...

You said in part 5 that Allison watched Tammy go through a gate and out into the street heading south.
You posted a picture in blog 9 of the gate she used.
Why didn’t Tammy just hop the little metal fence out front of the Lynds house like all the kids did?
We always got in trouble for climbing over their short fences, the top wasn’t sharp, you can see that in your pictures.
Maybe she was trying as hard as she could to get caught doing all this outlandish stuff?
Why not jump the little metal fence that would have brought her to Gilbert ave like we used to do?
That gate she went out of was in clear view of her parents bedroom and made a lot of noise when you opened it.
What window was Allison looking out of?
With Tammy trying to sleep over a friends house, to stories of abuse, I really think Tammy was trying her best to get caught that night.
She was hoping someone would see what really happened and report it to authorities.

Anonymous said...

I’m really not understanding all of this. Can someone tell me how far south down Lamont Tammy walked before Allison lost sight?
Can you draw on a map where the storage crate was and where the guys were. Then where they walked to. Maybe use 3 colors, one for the guys, one for Tammy and one to where Allison was inside the house. Without pictures, it’s hard to understand what you’re trying to describe. What about this secret room? What did all the regular people go?

Anonymous said...

How did you learn of van der sloot 5 hours before Western mass news?

Anonymous said...

Omg Hell’s Acres… Part 12 Date with Destiny, you can post pictures of the inside of the house and use Google maps to show readers which way Tammy went and perhaps you could tell us more about Jennifer Egers thoughts about her best friends murder. Perhaps sharing their secret will encourage others to come forward? 🤔 one never knows. It’s been 29 years, maybe it’s time to stop with the certain secrets? I know Jen has been hoping for a resolution to this case, women deserve a voice in this. #justicefortammy

Anonymous said...

Yes, Yes, we need the women of this family to speak up. Women have always been forced into silence. Tammy’s male friends have gone silent, now it’s the ladies turn. Show these guys what you’re made of.

Anonymous said...

Allison’s help in all this would be greatly appreciated. She could also let us know if her father has ever mentioned threatening anyone. Did her dad know about these logs? Has she witnessed this alleged behavior her father has displayed towards others? Has their dad yelled and screamed at anyone else to her knowledge? Was this just a one time deal at the funeral? How did Allison avoid her parents wrath? Can she explain what happened in these fights Tammy and her mother got into?

Anonymous said...

In blog 7 it’s stated that a master key was found on Tammy. But there’s no mention of what the key went to. Master made residential home locks, bicycle locks, pad locks. How do you know this key didn’t go to someone’s home? Did anyone ever see this key in person?
In blog 9 Tammys mom says she walks into the living room, she finds the front door opened and immediately checks on her kids. But Richard said Susan was already awake in that video. Are you implying that Susan and the kids tried hiding that Tammy was missing from Richard before he left for work?

Anonymous said...

Is anyone going to respond? Are we going to get to see inside pictures of 51 Lamont St?
Having Allison be able to point out which window she was looking out of, would really help out things in perspective.

Anonymous said...

Is Ricky really done commenting? We were just about to share some pictures of the interior of their old house, you know, to help you guys out. Don’t forget ~ Evil triumphs when good people do nothing.

Hell's Acres said...

Interior photos of the house can be found at https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/51-Lamont-St-Springfield-MA-01119/56217115_zpid/?.

Anonymous said...

We meant family photos. How interesting that you never shared these non-personal images with readers before.
What else have you been withholding?
Now that you have everything you need, please give use a replay of that evening.

Anonymous said...

Hold the Baloney… Are you trying to tell us readers that Tammy spoke to her younger sister Allison during some sort of paranormal encounter???? Allison didn’t actually see Tammy leave with her own eyes? 👀 it was only in her dreams? As real as it may seem, it was only in her dreams.

Anonymous said...

You guys still with us?

Anonymous said...

We have serious questions about the night Tammy went missing and you guys go silent? Seems pretty fishy to me.
In blog 5, Richard says Allison watches Tammy walk south, she would’ve had to walk quite some distance before being out of sight, Allison’s own bedroom window gave her a better vantage point to watch. She would’ve been able to see if those men had followed Tammy south. She was able to see the color of their hats after all.
Did Allison leave the door open when she watched Tammy walk down the street?
Did Allison really see Tammy at all after their parents friends left that evening?
Why doesn’t Allison describe this evening at all? It was the last time anyone saw Tammy alive, you would think anything she said or did would be important to this case. Yet details about this evening are scant. You ask us to make these giant leaps in logic.
Can someone one tell us what really transpired that fateful evening? Pretty please

Anonymous said...

Didn’t Richard post a version of events in one of these comments? A better detailed description?
It’s so hard to keep track and with him blocking everyone’s accounts who question his authority, it makes it makes it difficult to keep track

Anonymous said...

Jordan Van der Sloot is going to be giving out details in his case today. Will you guys be beating them to the punch and confirming what readers already suspect in Tammy’s case?

Anonymous said...

Imagine if Tammy was sneaking back in and someone thought she was an intruder? It wouldn’t really be the person who killed hers fault. She shouldn’t have been sneaking out at night, people have the right to defend their homes from invasion. So technically it would be Tammy’s fault.

Anonymous said...

How can everyone go silent at a time like this? I was told that two of you recently went down to Fox rd in the rain. 🌧️ one of them mentioned a sewer cover, the other person said they never knew about the sewer cover and was surprised at shape of the terrain.
They said Tammy’s feet were up against the logs, they even showed me a picture from her memorial page that shows the logs.
My question for you is this. Was Tammy stretched out or in the fetal position?
You can see there is a small embankment in that picture and they said the trees in the area are older, this wasn’t dug out after Tammy died. They said it’s possible Tammy was laying at 45-55 degree angle.
Will anyone respond to this?

Anonymous said...

Who is we?

Anonymous said...

Did you guys ever learn who left little logs on people steps? That just sounds really distasteful.