Many of the names and some of the descriptions in this blog have been changed to protect the guilty.

Friday, November 10, 2023

The 1994 Fox Road Murder Mystery, Part 15: Just Blame Lumpy

The past claims of one of Tammy Lynds’s friends, the late Jason “Lumpy” Francis, always have to be taken with a billion grains of salt, not only because his longtime drug abuse might have clouded his memory, but also because he was certainly a “person of interest” in the early days of her murder investigation.

Shortly before Francis’s overdose death in 2021, an individual looking into the case had a phone conversation with him—a recorded talk in which he related a story that in the days after Tammy went missing, his friend invited Tammy over his house and the guy was “messing around” with her until both saw her father, Richard, in the window. Then she quickly dressed, made a hasty exit, and no one saw her between that time and “when the bad thing happened,” said Francis.


Francis saw none of this—the story was related to him by the mother of Tammy’s sex partner as soon as he showed up at the house after rolling a joint. Too bad the joint rolling delayed him, or he could have caught the whole frantic scene! But did it really happen? Richard said it didn't.


According to the phone conversation, at one point Jason was working at a Dunkin Donuts when a police officer came in, recognized him, and told him that he had worked on the Tammy Lynds case, and that at first Richard was the prime suspect, but “they don’t have enough evidence.” Really? A cop who investigated the murder openly talked to one of Tammy’s friends about who they suspected? The fact that Richard was initially a suspect was indeed true, but so many of Lumpy’s statements in the call are beyond bizarre.


Unbelievably, he couldn’t recall the year that Tammy was murdered, or what time of year it was when she went missing, or where she was found. He asked the caller if her body was discovered “over by the school,” presumably meaning Mary M. Lynch Elementary School. Of course, he couldn’t remember the name of the school. Keep in mind that he was a friend of Tammy, and all her friends at least know these basic facts. The crime is burned into their memory, but apparently not his. “So she was outside, near the street, like towards the woods or something?” he asked the caller.


This is such an obvious deflection that it would be almost laughable if we weren’t reading about a murder—he is SO INNOCENT that he clearly knows ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about the slaying. He has moved on because it has nothing to do with him IN ANY WAY.


“What I was told by police was that she was stabbed 27 times with a Swiss army knife,” he said. “I’ll never forget.” In one fell swoop, he expected the person on the phone to believe that he had NO IDEA that she was found as a skeleton (a coroner obviously can’t count the number of stab wounds when there is no flesh on the corpse), and at the same time he declared that a murder weapon was determined (when actually a cause of death was never found).


“You remember the officer you talked to?” he was asked.


“No, I don’t,” he answered, postulating that the cop must be elderly by now. “Like 65 or 75,” he said. Well, at least his math skills were sharp as a tack.


He said it was well known among their circle that Richard “did dirty things” with Tammy, and that’s partly why Francis didn’t want to date her—because she must have had such emotional baggage from that, she wasn’t someone “I’d be interested in doing anything with. She’s got too much going on.” God forbid that Francis would even dream of taking advantage of a vulnerable teenage girl! He had morals!


Tammy’s alleged sex partner in the incident Francis described has come into some suspicion over the years, but Francis pooh-pooed the idea that he killed her. “I mean, I knew that kid for a long time, and there’s no way on God’s green earth that he’s capable of anything like that without showing signs or anything,” he said.


This fascinating conversation included a brief discussion about two other shady characters in Tammy’s orbit who died by suicide. One, he explained, was a heroin user, “and sometimes drug addicts kill themselves.”


Yes, this sentence had to be the most ironic musing in this whole dialogue. Words of wisdom, Jason. Words of wisdom. Too bad he didn’t take them to heart. Did I mention that Lumpy sounded incredibly high throughout the call?


“He dated my girlfriend after I dated her,” Francis continued. “We ended up fighting and he ended up trying to shoot me in the head.” How does one “try” to shoot someone in the head? Was he saying the gunman missed? Did the gun jam? Did Jason wrestle the gun out of his hand? He didn’t elaborate on that one.


Francis was then asked about another person of interest in the case, and he described him as his best friend, although he wasn’t clear how many siblings the guy had and whether or not the dude had a sister—he wasn’t sure. He was clueless about the kid’s family members—his best friend indeed. At least he remembered that he lived on Gilbert Avenue.


So I guess much of this strangeness and lack of clarity can be chalked up to Francis’s drug use. A scroll down his Facebook profile reveals the usual memes of a troubled soul, including these two below, complete with comments from a guy calling him a low-life for stealing from him for his addiction, etc.


However, I still can’t get past Francis’s profession of such total ignorance of the well-known facts about Tammy’s murder. Methinks he doth play dumb too much. You could see that he was trying distance himself as much as possible, but I believe it makes him even more suspect—that he either knows much more, or could have even been at the scene.


I had such high hopes for this recorded conversation. When I heard a rumor that part of it was Jason’s assertion that he and his friend “were the last ones to see her the night she went missing,” I thought that it might have promise in taking us somewhere in the investigation.


This past summer, when I went hiking in the Rocky Mountain National Park, I was in the town of Estes Park and I was driving north in search of the nearest trail—and there it was! Lumpy Ridge! I took it as a sign from God—that I would soon hear the recording, and it might lead to some kind of discovery.


Then, weeks later, I finally got a hold of the audio file, and the only revelation was that Lumpy was full of shit.


Oh well, the investigation moves on, keeping in mind that by dying, Jason Francis could easily be blamed for the murder by a suspect who is being given the third-degree by a detective, and then Lumpy has no chance to defend himself—a guy who died two years ago without even a real obituary to remember him by. I’m positive that this has been considered more than once by the perpetrator(s). He probably even has a detailed BS story ready to tell, and who could disprove it? If an investigator turns up the heat: “I was there, but I didn’t do it! Jason did it before I could stop him. I thought he was just trying to scare her!” Sadly, Francis is the wild card the real murderer can throw down in this case.


Yep. When the going gets tough, just blame Lumpy. Here's the $64,000 question: is he completely blameless?

Read Part 1

Read Part 2

Read Part 3

Read Part 4

Read Part 5

Read Part 6

Read Part 7

Read Part 8

Read Part 9

Read Part 10

Read Part 11

Read Part 12

Read Part 13

Read Part 14

Read Part 15

Read Part 16

Read Part 17

Read Part 18

Read Part 19

Read Part 20

Read Part 21

Read Part 22

Read Part 23

Read Part 24


Anonymous said...

He’s so contrite and sounds so full of it . Trying to deflect but why? Why? Hmm 🤔

Matty Matt said...

Wow..."Lumpy" sure seemed like a fine, upstanding young man who I'm sure had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with Tammy's murder.

Anonymous said...

Why indeed.🧐 You gotta find out who else he was talking to right before he overdosed. Was he trying to get ahold of any of his old crew? Was he asking anyone weird questions? Stupid shit ideas that a normal innocent person wouldn’t be tossing around. Dude was totally trying to distance himself from the crime scene. Thought he was being Sly.
Did Lumpy have friends in colonial estates? Was he friends with anyone that knew Tammy at central? Where did he go to high school?
I wish we knew who he was in contact with right before he died, he may have confessed things or left clues behind.
Can anyone help?

Anonymous said...

Super sketchy right… why would he say anything at all? Making up stupid stories and trying to divert the investigation away from certain people, while at the same time he’s acting stupid about simple facts no one cares about. Being off by a week or so after 30 years is understandable, we get that people don’t dwell on little things, but come on, all Tammy’s friends went sliding at Mary M Lynch, they all knew the name Fox rd. Lumpy was up to something
It’s hard to keep track of things and with fake name bopping around, is Lumpy the person that Owen(with the shaky leg) has evidence on? The stuff that he mentioned destroying? Were they even friends?

Anonymous said...

That’s fantastic they’re going to put a memorial bench up for Tammy. What news agency will be covering the dedication ceremony?

Hell’s Acres said...

We’ll let the local news media know when the time comes.

Anonymous said...

Idk why but I feel like she didn’t know her attacker , I think it was random. Kids at 15 don’t just kill each other , sure there’s beef that can escalate, but murder ? My theory is that she was on her way to see someone and was attacked o the way , that area is so isolated . I grew up on Hermitage Drive and used to walk back and forth to my friends house in colonial estates and it was the sketchiest walk . Even on Hermitage drive I had some wild and concerning experiences. Some one IN MY BACKYARD whistled at me while I was in my bedroom window in a towel after a shower . Another time my friends mom was coming home and saw a man crouched down in my next door neighbors yard when I had running to my other neighbors house in a bathing suit after swimming . That was just a couple things , so much sketchy stuff in the acres . That was about 1999-2000 ish for reference.

Anonymous said...

Y’all need to get serious and reach out to Agawam Paranormal, those fellas were just on Western Mass News. Fox rd is a Nexus for spiritual energies. With the 30th anniversary coming up next year, maybe y’all can help her move on.

Anonymous said...

Sure, reach out to paranormal organizations. Might as well. The police never took this case seriously from day one, have supposedly lost evidence (conveniently), and the DA's office seemingly wants nothing to do with it. The family seems shady at best and whatever friends or people she was close with have been a non factor for 29 years....might as well throw the hail Mary.

Anonymous said...

You guys should do a live stream bake off. See which one of you makes better Paranormal Pancakes, Paranormal Pumpkin Pie, Paranormal Pecan Pie, your possibilities are endless. You can wash it down with some Ghoul Aid, I’m sure Tammy tried Ecto Cooler back in the day. You guys don’t have to be crabby asses 24/7 ya know.

Anonymous said...

The police need to check Lumpys phone. Dude was probably sending out 🆘 messages right at the end. He knew what was up. Decades later the heat was back on and dude folded. Lumpy wasn’t expecting Tammy to help with the investigation. She’s been right here fighting the whole time. Did he give away to much in the end?

Anonymous said...

When you talk about these guys destroying the evidence, are you talking about Tammy’s earrings?

Hell’s Acres said...

This is the first I’ve heard of Tammy’s earrings. Where did you hear this? If you want to keep the conversation private, email me at hellsacres@gmail.com.

Anonymous said...

A junkie accused once again will reach out to whoever he needs to keep the story straight with . I think his phone is important .

Anonymous said...

What are you going to do if the only suspect in your Soucie case dies from a drug overdose? Asking for a friend.

Hell’s Acres said...

The sun will rise, the sun will set, and I’ll have lunch.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone offered to let you read all of the messages with Jason? He seemed like he had a lot to say. Then didn’t want to talk anymore. Was that story true about Tammy jumping out a window?