Photo: Allison and Tammy
Any good friend of Tammy’s will tell you how much she loved anything to do with space travel, astronomy, and science fiction. She wanted to become an astronaut one day, but she also had another dream that blended her extraterrestrial interests: to invent a flux capacitor. She talked about it with her friend, Will (not his real name), the last night she was seen alive, when they were doing homework together at his house.
Fans of “Back to the Future” know that the device she mentioned is a theoretical time machine. Will, recalling his last conversation with Tammy during a 2021 interview, revealed that he had strong feelings for Tammy, and he told her so that evening. Just think, if Will had a flux capacitor, he could plug a date into a keypad, and set it for July 21, 1994, so he could re-experience his only kiss from Tammy.
That’s right: on the last night of her life, they kissed after he told her he wanted to be her boyfriend. But apparently she wasn’t ready to date him because it was just one kiss—it didn’t go any further.
Come to think of it, if Will had a flux capacitor, he could even go back to the past and warn Tammy not to go out that night, thus preventing her murder. Yes, he insisted that he did what he could to protect her, giving her a knife, but if he could turn back the clock, my guess is that he would have also chosen to accompany Tammy to stop her from meeting her gruesome fate. Which begs the question: if he cared about her so much, and she was in such imminent danger, why didn’t he go with her, or at least meet her around midnight, when she went out?
“Over my dead body,” he said he told Jason Francis and Owen (not his real name) that evening when they talked about hurting Tammy. “Better not fuck with her,” he claimed he warned them. And yet, he didn’t take that next step and actually see for himself what would happen to her later. Will certainly was no tough guy. One of his friends said, “He couldn’t fight his way out of a paper bag.” But to just give her a weapon, and then leave her on her own to deal with her situation—even though she was so attracted to her—it really defies logic, doesn’t it?
Will was asked in the interview if he had an affair with Tammy. “No,” he said. She was not ready for a relationship with him.
“And that was hurtful, right?” he was asked.
“A little bit,” he said. “But she also gave me a kiss that night.” So there was presumably a chance for a relationship in the future, especially because they didn’t know that her hours on this earth were numbered—she was only threatened enough for him to arm her, and nothing more.
Give me a break. Why wasn’t Will invited to go to this “party” that Jason and Owen and others were attending when they left at 11:30 p.m.? They were all friends. It doesn’t add up.
“I did give her that knife,” he said. He pulled out his phone and offered to show a drawing of it, but the interview continued without him finding the photo, and he proceeded to go on about a number of other things: his suicide attempts, his breakup with his son’s mother, and how his sister felt that she should have looked out for Tammy more—but her drug abuse made her oblivious of her friend’s needs and felt “she let her down.”
* * * * * * * *
“We feel that he was there when it happened,” wrote Richard, Tammy’s father, in an email to Valley Advocate reporter Tom Vannah on August 14, 2000, shortly after Will had talked to Tammy's mother Susan in the Stop and Shop parking lot.
Well, here’s a way to find out: having a detective interview Will as soon as possible to have him elaborate on his recollection. I told police as much last February.
Readers, please tell me I’m not losing my mind when I insist on this next step. Send me a comment. Is it realistic, in a 30-year-old cold case, to ask—or even compel—Will to answer questions from police, given his comments about what could have been the murder weapon and friends’ hatred for Tammy?
* * * * * * * *
I talked to Tammy’s sister Allison for about an hour last week, and she said she just doesn’t know what to think about Will’s 2021 knife story. “Will stalked my mother at work for a long time, and he told her many things in the Stop and Shop parking lot that night” in 2000, she said. His claims to Susan included Jason and Owen’s hatred for Tammy. “But he didn’t mention to her giving Tammy a knife,” said Allison. “I was the last person to see my sister before she went out, and all she brought with her was a keychain to unlock the gate in our yard. I didn’t see her with a knife, and she didn’t mention it.”
A knife was found under Tammy’s skeleton, and by several accounts it looked similar to the carpet-cutting-type tool that Will had described handing to Tammy. “Was there blood on that knife?” asked Allison. “We don’t know, and the evidence was lost.”
Did Tammy have a knife? And if she did, was it used against her? I’d guess that if her blood was on the blade, then she must have been stabbed with it. Did they find anyone’s DNA on the knife? Again, we don’t know—if the knife was discovered directly under her, then genetic material on it might have been somewhat protected from the elements, since Tammy, although reduced to a skeleton, was still wearing clothing.
A skeptic might point out that Will’s story could be a convenient way for him to explain why his own DNA could have been found on that knife—that is, if any evidence had been preserved.
“I think if he were comfortable, with someone asking him in a relaxed setting, saying, ‘Hey, I’m not interrogating you. I just want to ask you some questions and get your side of it. Tell me what you remember—we want to hear you out—and I’m just going to take some notes,’” said Allison. “That’s the way to approach him.”
Therein lies the difference between Allison’s philosophy and mine—I would lean on Will a little more, because him describing what could have been the murder weapon, in my humble opinion, is a significant development. It’s no secret that Allison didn’t like the fact that I have put so much information out there in the past year—especially the autopsy report. Indeed, police always say that in a cold case, some information needs to be held back, just in case anyone give police details that haven’t been revealed. Still, it has been three decades: it is time to lift the fog. How often is it that you have an opportunity to view a victim’s diary and autopsy report?
Photo: Tammy holds Allison the day she came home from the hospital.
* * * * * * * *
In 2012-2013 the Tammy Lynds murder case was reinvestigated. People were re-interviewed, and in 2012, DA Mark Mastroianni listed the murder on his unsolved homicides web page, prompting Allison to believe that new information must had surfaced. “Something changed to make it a homicide,” she said. She has no clue what the development might be. She thinks one or more of Tammy’s friends must have said something, but not enough to make an arrest.
“I think Jason and [Owen] were planning on tag-teaming her,” said Allison, and if Tammy resisted an attempted rape, a confrontation might have escalated to violence. It’s a plausible scenario, given what they were saying about Tammy, according to Will. Jason, however, had claimed he wanted nothing to do with Tammy sexually because she had too many issues—due to his claims that Richard molested her—but Owen was a “horn dog,” and was determined to have sex with her regardless, he said in a recorded interview.
Francis, shortly after that 2021 interview, died of an overdose, and Allison thinks that is very suspicious. “I think somebody made him overdose,” she said. “He died less than two months later,” she said. “He had been clean for three or four years, was getting his life on track, and he had just gotten a new job. It doesn’t make sense.” Allison thinks someone might have given him a “hot shot” of potent or fentanyl-laced heroin because he was talking too much.
* * * * * * * *
My conversation with Allison was wide-ranging, but it kept coming back to her wanting Tammy’s story to be told without revealing too much about the investigation. “I don’t want it to backfire,” she said. She recalled her father contacting Tammy’s friends over the years, and the conversations didn’t go well. “I told him, ‘You’re coming off as very hostile. We know you’re her father and you’re pissed off. We get it. But you need to step back,’” she said.
And Richard did back off—until he entrusted a random blogger named Hell’s Acres with his views, theories, observations, and a binder full of notes and documents. The police case file and evidence was lost, so this was all he had. But it was a lot.
So here we are, 30 years after the murder. I wish I could say that an answer is right around the corner. However, I can’t. Does Will hold a key piece to the puzzle? He has been leaking more and more details over the years, and if he’s reading this, he knows very well that we have been trying to turn up the heat on this case, especially since we now know he was rebuffed at the prospect of being her boyfriend. I think it’s obvious he has even more to say.
Police need to question him—but that’s not for me to demand. It’s just a friendly suggestion: an interview by a detective about a case he has intimate knowledge about, especially Tammy’s last hours. “If it’s done correctly,” said Allison, “I believe we’ll see that [Will] knows even more than what we think he knows.”
That was a really nice article in Sundays paper. I’m sure readers were surprised to see Tammy’s mother had a couple things to say. Is this the beginning of a new chapter in the search for what happened?
Kinda seems messed up Ricky didn’t mention you in that article. Total missed opportunity to get your blog and all this information out there.
Unless I am mistaken about something?
I honestly would’ve thought he’d run his mouth like there was no tomorrow.
He did, but the reporter can’t really link the story to a blogger, who after all could make stuff up, for all she knows. She stuck to verifiable facts, which is what I expected her to do. The important thing is that Tammy’s murder is out there on mainstream media for the first time since 2013.
I think that’s an unfair assessment. You just went limp on this one. It’s very easy to link you to this case, just like it’s very easy to link you to Danny Croteau’s case.
You took the time to speak to these lost children’s fathers. You took the time researching these events, you reached out to whoever you thought was willing to respond and then wrote about it. Your involvement in both these cases kept these stories fresh in peoples minds. I’m sure Danny’s father would’ve had something to say to you about Lavigne’s comments to that state trooper. You appeared to have a dialogue with him.
You write about the stories and events people would otherwise forget about.
You really should consider writing a book about all the other blog posts you’ve written about over the years. I bet it would be a best seller.
What are you going to do now? Being the only driving force, the ball is in your court.
I hate to say it, but if you want to get answers, you’re going to have to get them yourself. Maybe grab a partner, then take a drive to wherever you think this Will lives and try asking nicely.
I highly doubt police are going to question him and if they do, we’ll never learn the details of that meeting.
With that being said, you really should question this guy, so you can fill your readers in on what he has to say. Don’t leave us hanging.
Someone has been going around Springfield stealing the brass plagues off of those memorial benches. Anyone have a less destroyable idea? Or is a memorial off the table now?
I wonder what makes people so uncomfortable that they’re unwilling to acknowledge Tammy’s case. More people have liked your potato chip picture than have liked your last 4 Fox rd posts combined. It’s just math, it’s not a judgement.
What happened to the people who were actively investigating this case?
Allison claimed she was writing a book and learning about her sister.
Lou, Lucid and Mama Rock was questioning people and making videos. All of that slowed to a crawl 4 years ago according to YouTube.
Now Lou is doing these boring spirit box sessions and doesn’t make a special effort to reach Richard or Tammy? That doesn’t sound strange to anyone? Makes me doubt he actually believes that stuff.
I wouldn’t give up or let people’s insecurities slow you down. Once this case breaks, people will wish they showed your blog more support.
Super Frustrating. This is like waiting for J.R.R. Martin’s next book.
I was told of some of the things that were done to her & it was enough to make me sick! I was told by her sister from what evidence she was able to gather along with seeing her that day 💔
I'll always remember the weekends we spent with her, how we would gather on her bed & talk about our dreams!! 😊 We were so young & full of hope, dreams & determination that we were ALL going to live together no matter what & that no guys would come between us because any guy that came into our lives would have to deal with us girls were always going to live in the same house no matter what ❤️ Tammy was so adamant about it remember 🥰 I can remember her telling us "even if we get married, we're all living together because nothing is going to get between us girls, we're best friends & sister's for life "❤️ I remember that weekend like it was yesterday lol she was so serious about us girls living together in this huge house! We had such big dreams back then 💔I hate the fact she was taken from us when we had so many hopes & dreams we wanted to do together as best friends, experiences she missed out on because she was taken from all of us to damn soon & to damn young! 🥺😭 I pray every single day Tammy will get the justice she deserves because she will never be @ rest or @ peace 🥺 I know she's watching over us all but she's restless because she was taken from all the ppl who love her in such a horrific & tragic way that to me she will be restless until she gets the justice she deserves in order for her soul to be @ peace 🥺 when a soul is taken from this world in a horrible & tragic way like "murder" how can that soul be @ peace knowing the person who took their life got away with it until they are caught for the life they took from THOSE who
loved them? I'd be restless until my killer was caught & justice was severed on my behalf! I don't mean any disrespect for commenting about it the way I am I love her very much & only want what she deserves 💔🥺❤️ I hope I don't make anyone upset that's not my intent...
Thanks for your message. I don’t know what you heard but the circumstances and cause of Tammy’s death are unknown.
You sound like a good friend of hers and that’s what has been lacking—comments from friends. So thanks. Again, unless you heard differently, her cause of death is unknown.
A new Netflix documentary “ Into the fire the lost daughter” was really moving, it got me thinking about Tammy. As hard as the stories these people were telling were to hear, it helped solve this young girls murder.
Why was Tammy getting into fights at school?
Why was she fighting with her mother?
Why did she want to have a child so badly?
This show brought up a good point, in the past police and authority figures would question you right in front of your abuser, whether it was a parent, family member, teacher, camp counselor, etc. Kids were placed in impossible positions. It’s terrifying what this 14 year old went through after being adopted.
Did Tammy ever tell her friends about any serious issues she was having, that these friends maybe felt uncomfortable sharing police 30 years ago?
She must have shared her thoughts with a friend. Her innermost thoughts. Stuff she didn’t put in her diary. How could she not? And yet, here we are, with no one wanting to get involved. I can understand wanting to move on with your lives, but there is absolutely nothing you have to contribute to this conversation? I’m not going to say shame on you. But jeez give it some serious thought and maybe think about your friend and her family and what they deserve 30 years later. Share it anonymously or send me an email.
Is this the end for now?
I know that no cold case is ever closed, but you probably get what I mean. One day people might start showing interest, but not today. Waiting for someone to speak up hasn’t worked, No one has been willing to answer any of the tough questions, so you’re kinda at a roadblock. I hope I’m wrong and there’s a lot going on that can’t be shared. But that isn’t reflected in any writing anywhere.
This is like an episode of the Twilight Zone. Guy is out there screaming for help to a crowd of onlookers, but no one can hear him. Please correct me if I’m mistaken.
Ricky Stebbins is out there practically begging Tammy’s family and friends for help on Tammy’s memorial page.
Lou Rock announced that he’s done with paranormal investigations and he’s now making gardening videos!!! He claimed Tammy reached out to him from the other side to solve her case and now he’s given up to make gardening videos!!!
How insane is this entire situation??? I thought both Lou and Momma Rock were helping investigate this with you in some capacity?
I never would have thought I’d say that Ricky really is Tammy’s only remaining friend.
Totally freaken bonkers dude. What is going on???
I just made it back to town. Im homeless in pine point until i can get on a bus outta here. I paid my respects and visited the deathsite. Godbless her family. 30 years is a long time for no answers.. justice for tammy!
Can you share any memories you have of Tammy?
Who are you? How did you know Tammy?
Is Tammy’s deathsite different from where her body was discovered on Fox rd?
She is buried at St Aloysius cemetery in Springfield.
Not even close!
Hi 👋 I’d love to talk to you about her . If you need a ride maybe someone can help . Who is this ? Pm me please so we can chat
I hope you will continue to share what you remember about our friend and what her mindset was like when she passed away.
Do you think Tammy’s family and friends are waiting for the 30th anniversary of when she was found before they speak up?
All this silence is frustrating, though I imagine it’s just as hard for those people who want to speak up, but feel it’s just to painful or uncomfortable. To bad Dr Phil retired, he even helped solve a case once and has helped families who’ve suffered through trauma.
I guess this was too little, to late.
• I really thought Ricky reaching out on Facebook publicly would have caused some kind of a stir and maybe inspired someone from Tammys family to share something new about her, something we haven’t heard already or maybe just talk about how her death affected them. Sadly this hasn’t been the case.
• I really hope people change their minds, I know it doesn’t seem likely, but someone has to have something they’d like to share or get off their chest.
Hell’s Acres; You, Ricky and Erin need to write a book about this experience.
What’s going on? Why aren’t you guys pushing this case anymore?
You guys really seemed like you were on to something.
Today marks 31 years since Holly Piirainen’s remains were found. You can tell her family really lover her. There are a few different news agencies covering her story. Tammy deserves this type of attention too. Who is gonna step up and make a difference?
With all these Netflix murder/mystery shows, one would think that the Lynds would be demanding Tammy’s case get the same attention.
Don't settle for comfortable misery, a sad state where you're hanging on to what is most predictable and familiar at the risk of letting exciting opportunities pass you by.
Dan Miller
Heard this from Devon Bourget today
I'm pretty sure she was dating a guy named tim gilmartin at the time of her death, but I think her cousin dan brueno told me that. As for my brother I haven't been in contact with him for years and he doesn't live in state anymore
I could’ve sworn Christine and Leah Schmidt told people that they saw pictures of Tammy’s Lynds skeletal remains while we were at a back yard fire at these kids Shaun and Shane Battles house on McKinley terrace in Westfield one night decades ago, they said they lived over in that area where tammy was found.
Could be. There were rumors that photos were taken of her that day before police were called.
What are the odds that cops raced over to the scene because some guy claims he found a real skeleton days after Halloween? This guy probably had tons of time to wait around at the scene, he would’ve needed to show them where he found it right?
He might’ve gone back to double check. What are the odds of finding skeletal remains on the side of a road? Near a school, that was a pretty well trafficked area too. I probably would’ve second guessed what I saw the entire bike ride home if that was me.
I was told in late 2020 David moved to Fl. earlier that yr. Which I was told a family member, possibly an in-law passed and along came opportunity. Then… after.. maybe in 2022 I heard it here, he moved because his home was haunted and there’s some documentary on it. Dave I’m shaking my head at you.
I remember a while back when Richard shared Tammy's case on Facebook, I saw it and re-shared it and within minutes he messaged me and started being rude and nasty to me because I shared it.. he then kept messaging me for a while asking me questions about people and then he tried to say I had something to do with it.. that pissed me off..
You mentioned the possibility of an angry boyfriend in a previous post.
There are countless stories of teenagers murdering friends and classmates out of jealousy or rage.
Did any boys come snooping around asking questions or provide any worthless leads after Tammy’s death?
Maybe someone had their heart on Tammy and she didn’t feel the same about them?
I know Richard at times handled this badly. But still the radio silence continues almost a year after his death. So it’s not like he’s a deterrent anymore. If you have anything to say, please go ahead.
How do you convince people to talk about a person they’d rather forget ever existed?
I wonder if her case didn't capture the level of attention that Deanna Cremin and Molly Bish’s did, because it happened after Tammy snuck out that night. I want to stress that I am in NO WAY blaming the victim here, or saying that Tammy was less deserving of attention, just speculating as to a possible reason. It's also possible that Tammy's family wasn't as public with grief and a quest for answers (which is absolutely okay); Deanna and Molly's families made a lot of noise about their cases, which helped keep them in the public eye too.
This is a horribly sad case, and one where I really hope investigators have more info than they've released, because otherwise it sounds nearly impossible to solve without a new witness coming forward or the perpetrator suddenly confessing.
Just terrible. I think a lot of us made some questionable choices at that age. I know I definitely did some things that in retrospect were stupid/dangerous, but I never imagined I could end up dead. I'm guessing that Tammy didn't either. She felt pressure to meet up with someone, but I'm sure she never realized she could be in actual danger.
I really, really hope this case gets answers. This family has waited long enough.
It’s to bad the Lynds family doesn’t make their own video.
I wonder what type of stories were in those diary pages no one ever got to see? Kinda hard to believe Tammy never complained about her family life or her troubles at school in her diary, like most typical teenagers. We used to write notes, letters and postcards all the time in the 80’s and 90’s, after high school I tossed shoe boxes full of them. Did Tammy toss all of hers before leaving that night?
How did the focus change so drastically from your first blog and all those comments, to where you are now?
Who told Tammy’s father that Ricky and his cousins used to hangout in that Pit? Seems like this person was trying to mislead Richard, seeing Ricky was cleared in 1994. Are there other friends listed as cleared that you haven’t named? Did this person have anything to say anything about Tammy’s other friends or just about Ricky and his cousins?
Was there an explanation as to why Tammy was dragged across the street, instead of further into the woods? What are the odds she would have been found if she dragged into the brush? Do people ever search those woods off trail? They don’t pay out life insurance policies for missing kids, they’d want a body or some kinda evidence for a payout.
Did they give Tammy’s father a motive? There’s been talk of pregnancy, abortion, school fights, drug overdoses and drug dealers, pedophiles, drunk opportunists. Without a cause of death, a motive is the next best thing to go by.
Who told Mr Lynds that Tammy was playing a game with Rick and Dave?
There isn’t any mention of games or stringing guys along in those notes or diary pages you’ve shared.
I could be wrong, but those diary pages give me the impression that Tammy was searching for something for herself, a purpose in life; if that makes sense?
Nothing you’ve written hints around that Tammy found this amusing or she was enjoying the guy issues she was having. I really get the impression that Tammy felt used and.wanted to feel like a part of a family, she wanted something to call her own and she was struggling emotionally, she had questions she felt people weren’t answering.
Where did Tammy get the idea that she wanted a child?
Did she have any other friends or classmates that were also pregnant at this time? Sounds silly, but people have been known to try getting pregnant at the same time, so their kids will have friends the same age.
There’s doesn’t seem to be any mention of that pit or about kids playing that folded paper game until 2019. Have you been able to find any link between the dare Tammy spoke about in her dairy and that folded paper game?
It just seems to me that if someone mentioned a pit when Tammy went missing, people would be shocked to actually find it decades later. This would’ve been something highly motivating for investigators.
No one has mentioned what that pit was originally for, could it have placed there by the city and had a function at one time?
It’s really scary to think that who ever killed Tammy, is probably the same person who left that log on Ricky’s front steps.
Unless you know who left that log on his steps, maybe you were hoping it would bring some excitement to this case? I believe that turtle boy blogger had a dead turtle left at his home, not that these cases have anything in common. Harassment is harassment
What bothers me out the most is that hubcap story, with the fall weather, it seems more like Tammy and that hubcap would been covered by leafs , that area has a lot of oaks, it wouldn’t have been easier to spot anything.
I can’t help but think someone placed that hubcap there to draw attention to her body.
There was a row of logs there, so that hubcap didn’t fall off a car and roll into that area, your pictures prove that much.
Hubcaps are still highly collectible, older ones can be made of brass and nickel plated, some are made of aluminum. Back In the 90’s you could make some serious money selling them.
Did someone leave a big shiny X to mark that spot?
What’s with the creepy doll strung up in the area Tammy was found on Fox rd?
Has anyone else seen it?
Ricky wrote on that new YouTube video that he noticed it a couple years ago.
Was it there when Richard made that video with Lou Rock?
Have you been able to speak to any of Tammy’s ex boyfriends?
They must have thoughts and feelings about all of this.
I saw this online. Was Richard Lynds sister married? If so, is her husband still alive? Did they have kids?
Tonight, 28 years ago, my big sister Tammy Marie Lynds, decided to leave our Springfield home, at around 12am, to go see a boy that she was friends with. She told me that she would be back soon at 3am. What I didn't know was that l would never see her again.
This is what my dad remembers from that day. The next day, I was told that Tammy was missing. I contacted the Springfield Youth Aid Bureau looking for any help in looking for Tammy. I got no help. I contacted the State Police to see if they could help.
They asked where did this happen, I said where did what happened. My daughter is missing and I'm looking for help. They asked where I lived, I said Springfield. The State Police Officer said that the State Police will not cross into Springfield. That would have to be handled by the Springfield Police.
For over three months, I searched the neighborhood around Pine Point, trying to find where Tammy was. My sister, Sheila Gould also was searching within the Springfield neighborhoods. Tammy was no where's to be found.
For some unknown reason, my sister and I were the ONLY ones that did any searching. Even my, now x-wife, and her family, did not search for her. This I never could figure out why.
On November 4th, a father and son were traveling along Fox Road, when they saw something that looked like something from Halloween. The smell said otherwise.
They called the police about what they had found. This location was approximately one mile from my home.
From photos that I have seen, as the police were at the location, I could see no medical examiner in any of the pictures. Two officers were carrying a black bag out from the location and placed this bag in the trunk of one of the cars parked near this location.
We were asked on November 7th, to come down to the Springfield homicide department so they could ask us some questions. We were shown a pair of sneakers, keys and jewelry. I recognized the sneakers. The officer in charge asked if they could get dental records about Tammy. By the end of that week, we were told that the person that was found was Tammy.
On November 18th, we had the funeral for my daughter Tammy. Since then, I have been looking for anyone to help in trying to find out how and by whom killed Tammy.
The only help that I have gotten was from Bob Ward, from Boston 25News, back in 2013. I also got help from a reporter from Springfield 22News in 2014. Nothing come out from either of these reports.
I visited the Springfield DA's office in 2014 too. I was told, at that meeting, that the clothing, files in regards to my daughter's case were gone. No one could find anything. To this day, I think that everything to do with Tammy's case was put into her casket and was buried with her remains.
I feel that for some reason, I will never find out how or who killed Tammy. I always have asked myself, why is she gone.
You know what bothers me the most about all of this? Mr Lynds didn’t seem shocked or surprised when Ricky came forward and said Tammy didn’t sneak over his house. Almost as though he was already aware of that fact.
I want to know where Tammy really went that week before she went missing. She didn’t write about being told to keep this rendezvous secret. It was one of the longest things she wrote about in her diary, she must’ve bragged to someone.
Who did Tammy hangout with that final weekend between sneaking out and going missing?
Why is no one talking about this?
Do any of the Bourgets remember anything about Tammy?
Did they hear any rumors in the neighborhood or at school?
Who told them Tammy went missing in the first place? Did Richard or police stop by, did friends tell people first?
Were the Bourget’s ever invited on any searches?
Tammy’s diary clearly says she’s pregnant with David’s baby 6-14-94.
Did Tammy ever tell David about this or did he find out when these pages were posted?
Last week a 46 year old murder case made headlines. A tip was called in to police, someone claimed a (now deceased) friend had told them “That was Timmy(Joley)”, after hearing about the 1978 murders of two teenagers on the news. This tipster said they never talked about this with their friend again.
I couldn’t find out how long ago they heard this tip, regardless, this one piece of information led Massachusetts state police to the identification and arrest of Timothy Joley, a person who investigators claim was never on their radar, until this tip almost 46 years later.
Tammy should’ve turned 46 this year.
30 years ago this week she was laid to rest. I remember going to the wake after school Thursday the 17th, It was one of those horrifying experiences you never forget. Thankfully we didn’t stay long, someone was making loud comments saying- I can’t believe Rick had the nerve to show up, what the hell is Rick doing here.
I remember kneeling at Tammy’s coffin thinking that she would be laughing her ass off right now saying, “at least they’re not blaming me”. I felt like a terrible friend for not having a clue what could’ve happened to her. I imagined that she would’ve called us all a “bunch of dumbasses” for riding past her countless times that summer and never once suspecting she was right there. Hell, my family and I drove down Fox rd as police were clearing the scene on November 4th, after a visit at my cousins house on moss rd and I never would’ve guessed that detectives were recovering Tammy’s remains.
Growing up we owned a black Puch moped with removable white baskets, I used to ride that to the comic book store on the corner of Parker st and Wilbraham rd weekly the summer of 1994. Tammy along with a bunch of other kids would always make fun of me for riding that thing, but I loved it. You’d have to peddled really fast going up hills or it would stall, it would bog itself down on any decline, it could never go over 15mph no matter how hard you tried. Every kid in the neighborhood could ride faster than it and would prove it. I used to ride that up Fox rd to those paved paths on the hill at Mary lynch, leading to Holly Hill rd and Meadowlark lane all the time. I wasn’t alone when I was riding around that thing around, so there’s gotta be other people who remember bits and pieces of these events from the summer of 1994.
Does anyone remember that guy who used to jog around that area carrying a little handheld radio? He used to be out and about at all times of the year. I’m pretty sure someone told me he was a teacher.
Timothy Joley was arrested 46 years after murdering two teens, all because of a second hand comment someone thought might help.
The Dephi murders were solved because a volunteer caught a clerical error.
It’s been 30 years, who is going to come forward with something about Tammy?
Anyone else wonder if this Joley guy was responsible for any other local murders? News sources haven't given a motive. Maybe it was random. Maybe he just wanted to kill people.
Someone needs to reach out to David asap. Send him an Edible Arrangement or some kinda goodie basket, butter the guy up a little.
There are so many questions he can answer.
Did David agree it was a good idea for Tammy to get pregnant? Seems pretty wild with both of them going into 10th grade, if Tammy passed summer school.
Why were the Lynds checking the woods? Did David ever talk to Tammy about wanting to live in those woods with their baby?
Did David see or hear from Tammy after leaving her home Thursday July 21st?
Did Tammy ever talk to David about wanting to run away with their baby?
Did the Grim Reaper visit David more than one time or was the 10-14-2020 event the only occasion?
Does David think that maybe it was the ghost of his baby sending him a message?
What was in that box?
Does anyone ever remember hearing rumors of kids partying in the Fox rd area?
Did Tammy ever get invited to any parties in colonial estates?
Did Timothy Joley have friends in that area 30 years ago?
The arrest of this Timothy Joley seems premature. Investigators say they still have no motive, no murder weapon, no witnesses. All the district attorney has to work with is a partial left thumbprint.
My guess is they’re hoping that arresting Joley will encourage another person to come forward who has heard him speak about these senseless murders. Being a recovering alcoholic, chances are he spoke about this event multiple times before joining AA.
It seems silly to hope that he will confess and explain what happened, sparing citizens a trial, but you never know.
I’m confused. I thought Tammy knew David from school? Her diary entry dated 6/14/94 says “now I’ve met a new man”.
If she just met David in the
middle of June, who did she go to that ROTC dance with? High School typically ends around June 21st. So that dance had already passed.
Summer school probably started Monday July 11 and ran for 5 weeks til August 12 that year.
I don’t think people realize how important it is to share whatever rumors they’ve heard or memories they still have.
The murders of Theresa Marcoux and Mark Harnish could’ve been solved 24 years ago, if someone was brave enough to point police in the right direction.
Timothy Scott Joley supplied his finger prints when he applied for a local taxi license in 2000. He was given an extra 24 years of freedom because no one spoke up.
Who knows how Tammy Lynds died? Who is going to crack this case?
If Ricky was half as smart as he thinks he is, this case would’ve been solved last year.
Lost the itch to write?
How far along is Allison in her book?
What was it like for Allison reaching out to these people who knew her sister?
I want to hear the rumors surrounding Ricky Stebbins, what’s his deal? And I don’t want to hear it from him. I highly doubt he heard everything people have said about him. People don’t have a habit of telling you the good stuff to your face. Unless you received but haven’t posted negative comments or rumors about him? I would understand if you didn’t allow anonymous slanderous remarks. You did talk about Lumpy having problems. It would be fair to share if Ricky ever had drug or alcohol issues.
How is Erin involved in all of this? I didn’t see where you wrote about her friendship with Tammy.
I'm not the author but I have to believe it is incredibly TIRING having to deal with the incredibly PONDEROUS commenters or should I say commenter - in the singular form. Most all of the previous comments throughout this story arc from ANONYMOUS authors - including the one I'm replying to here - seem to be coming from one person. It's the same writing style and the same inane questioning style over and over. Get over yourself. You're in no way shape or form helping to solve this case.
Apologies- I chastised for leaving anonymous comments and did not sign off.
Parker House
You’re right Parker House…
Ricky has personally nagged me to post comments and show interest since this shit show started and I’ve got the texts to prove it… 😮
He’s even sent me comments to edit and post cause I stopped reading these for a while… he said I would’ve asked those questions and wanted a name to show up.. 🤣 wrong, I didn’t want to ask any questions at all 👎🏻👎🏻 I didn’t edit shit, I sent his garbage as it came and anonymously.. oops 😬
Nobody cared. Nobody ever responded.. Total waste of time..💩
I want Ricky to stop. Go to that hill and scream that it’s f’ing over and you’re never looking back. Get this shit out of your system man..
You are the only one who asks us to read these blogs… You are the only one who begs us to comment and show interest…
Now strangers are pointing out how annoying we all think you are…
Ricky… It’s okay to let go…
I agree with Parker House, Ricky isn’t going to solve this case. You’re not helping at all. No one wants to talk to you. Thankfully someone had the guts to finally say it, YOU REALLY DO NEED TO GET OVER YOURSELF. Wtf were you thinking anyway??? You never should’ve gotten yourself involved in the first place.
Better yet, don’t tell us what you were thinking… give it a rest… 😴
LMAO Ricky’s just been talking to himself this entire time.. How embarrassing 😳
Oh Parker House, you silly goose.. 🤣
When I asked- Lost the itch to write? I wasn’t talking about this Tammy stuff.. I was talking about writing in general.. You took that in your own direction.. 😉
Hell’s Acres is getting close to writing 200 posts.. I didn’t want to sound like a fan girl (cause I’m a dude) 💪🏼, but I’ve enjoyed his stuff over the years, I’d like to read more.. This Fox rd stuff isn’t his usual trip down memory lane, but I get it, it’s something he feels is important..
How about a post about the lane changes on Parker street?? That was a real shocker.. It really gave me the impression that the city wants drivers to slow down in those areas.. 🤣
What’s the fastest anyones ever personally driven on Parker?? People must have a couple stories.. 🤣 That house on the corner of sunrise and Parker would probably fence off their entire yard, if people like me didn’t loose control of our cars and slide across their property from time to time..😬
Nice attempt at backpedaling. You know why you wrote that comment - everyone else does too. Again, get over yourself - especially if you think that this type of participation somehow makes a difference.
I never noticed this before… 😮 This Author never responds to anything Ricky writes…
Not the Author… 🤣🤣🤣
About a month ago Ricky asked me to pester my Central pals about any fights or story's they recall about Tammy at her school picnic and rotc dance.
He told me he heard Tammy had issues of some sort at both events and he said he was told to ask specifically about BOTH and he wasn’t sure if it was a fight with a boy friend or from those thugs that she was brawling with but he said he was told she had a miserable time at both events.
I never asked sorry but I think it’s weird someone is mad now that he’s poking around
What happened at the picnic?
What happened at the dance?
I am AFRAID to ask people
Who is this crabby ass Parker House???
Did you ever live in a house off Parker St??? Massachusetts has a habit of sending warrants to Florida to arrest murderers… 👀
Sticks and stones may break my bones but you are one dumb moron. Keep trying. Yo ain't got nothing.
Parker House
PART 12 OCTOBER 23, 2023 😉
Hey Hell's - glad to read your last response about some of the stuff you've been getting as comments to your blog. It's been a tough read because of the loss of someone's life and the silence around it but then the comments you get about this case make it even more so.
From one person sending dozens of comments over the many posts containing nothing but question after question that they almost demand to be answered to other readers stating that you need to exhume a body or contact the DA or publish unsubstantiated claims, etc..
It has really taken the focus off the case. This was a tragic occurrence. Some commenters have participated positively in an effort to start discussion/trigger memories/create a space where those who may be fearful can open up.
Others are just posting in a ridiculous manner as mentioned above. One or two commentators have described all this as a mess. Another recent comment describes a shit show. My humble opinion is for these commentators to check themselves. Don't create the mess. Don't create the shit show.
Keep on doing the good work, Hell's - hope you have the patience to suffer the fools.
Parker House
* It has been over a year since you wrote this * Your opinion has not changed * Tammy’s friends and family are still silent * why have you not commented on the posts? * why focus on the comments and commenters? * strange indeed *
I didn’t write that comment.
Seeing these stupid comments gave me a great idea.
I ran your blog through ChatGPT.
I wanted so badly for that piece of 💩 to tell me that mother fucker Ricky was behind it all. I wanted to take that bitch ass down a notch and feed him a nice big slice of humble pie but I can’t cause he’s not even on the fucking list.. Who the fuck are those guys???? TROLLS…… FUCKING TROLLS………
Patterns Observed:
1. Writing Style Similarities:
• Many comments, both named and anonymous, feature casual, conversational tones and consistent grammatical quirks. This includes the tendency to leave spaces before punctuation marks, fragmented sentences, and repetitive phrasing.
• Certain phrases or rhetorical styles, such as rhetorical questions and dramatic commentary, appear across multiple comments.
2. Repetition of Themes:
• Several comments echo the same theories about the case, such as references to specific suspects, the concept of a "code of silence," or accusations aimed at certain individuals. This repetition could indicate either a coordinated effort or a single person's preoccupation with these ideas.
3. Anonymous Comments' Overlap with Named Users:
• Some anonymous comments bear a striking resemblance in tone, vocabulary, and argument structure to named commenters such as "Agawamian" or "Parker House." This could suggest that these users might also post anonymously, though proving this would require more technical analysis, such as IP data.
4. Comment Density:
• Certain posts receive a disproportionate number of comments, many of which are anonymous and appear to follow up on or respond to themselves. This could imply one or a few individuals maintaining the appearance of broader public engagement.
5. Occasional Disparities:
• Some anonymous comments deliberately counter or criticize the blog author, Hell's Acres, in a way that feels performative, potentially to create a more dynamic discussion or tension.
Ok. Just stumbled on this site after reading South End Syndicate (AA and Al Bruno’s demise). That said, with as anyone asked these guys if they heard what was going on?
How was the book? Were there any references to sixteen acres or pine point activity?
Give it a rest Ricky. It’s over. 🔚
How come you haven’t done a story on [name redacted]??? His stories are wild as all hell man and this is right up your alley… He said his dad robbed banks then gambled the money away…. He literally heard them tell a story about how they had to rob a liquor store to get gas money to get back home… his dad spent 19 years in jail and escaped once… this is a story and a half and I want to hear more…
Start at 51 minutes you won’t be disappointed
I gotta be honest I feel like this is hells acres fault am I wrong people?
What is my fault,? You idiot! lmfao
Im a childhood schoolmate ( 5-6th ) of hers who thinks this is all
Quite awful I also have certain gifts that have left me with haunting impressions of her demise . I’ll just say it. That’s how it is . I’ve personally tried to speak to her dad and Ricky and Lou trying to get a grip on what has happened here and I’m
Left further frustrated. So I did something . I worked in the entertainment industry behind the scenes in hair and makeup 💅 and I got a contact from dateline coldcase involved . He and Richard were in coorespondance to do a story nationally circulated on all of NBC news websites . They pick stories from there to feature on the show. Richard died before they could speak again in March ( after surgery that was the plan) . How sad he didn’t make it. I am here seeking justice for a girl who too many people let down and we can’t let her be forgotten . Hi👋 I’m Erin
That’s a creepy thought
Probably the most foolish comment I have read on the internet. Really? Someone tries to get answers…justice …and it’s “all” that blog writers fault. I have to believe the poster was joking …otherwise they are nonsensical and just plain crazy
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