Many of the names and some of the descriptions in this blog have been changed to protect the guilty.

Friday, May 3, 2024

The 1994 Fox Road Murder Mystery, Part 20: The "Friends" of Tammy Lynds

My apologies for letting more than four months go by without an explanation for the gap. Indeed, I’ve had a couple of long “vacations” without posting before (including a two-year one!), but those had been due to job layoffs, when I spent much of my free time on job searches instead of blogging.

This recent break is due more to the fact that I had been getting kind of burned out with the constant writing about Tammy’s murder. It’s a case that really grabbed me and wouldn’t let go. And it’s still got a grip on me!

I want to assure faithful Hell’s Acres readers that yes, I’m still here, and the usual blog contents—the stuff that doesn’t involve true crime—will resume in due time. I know full well that I inevitably lose readers when there are long interludes between posts, but please bear with me. Also, I’ll notify you of new posts on my Facebook page.

I first wrote about the Tammy Lynds case in 2012, when there was renewed interest after a Boston TV news station aired a lengthy story on Tammy’s death. This was the same year that the Hampden County DA came out with a web page of unsolved homicides, and Tammy’s case was listed even though the cause of death was never determined—as far as we know.

But I vowed that I wouldn’t write about it again unless I received new information. I finally did—last year, 11 years after my original post.

Actually, the murder popped up on my radar when Tammy’s friend Ricky S. had left a comment on the blog in 2019 (much of it I didn’t print) referring to Tammy Lynds’ father, Richard Lynds, contacting Ricky on Facebook messenger. This is what Richard wrote:

“Hi RS, there has been new information that has been brought to my attention. There is a place that you, your cousins and [name redacted] used to hang out at a lot. It was a very well-hidden place. It is what is known as the pit. This is where Tammy said she was going the night she disappeared, 25 years ago, a week from now. She was going to meet you there instead of at your parents’ home, which she did the week before.

“I have been told that Tammy did meet you at this pit and that is where she was killed. Her body was dragged out of the pit, up the bank, to the spot behind the log where she was finally found in November. My plan is to contact the news media with all this info before I go to the DA'S office. The reason why: I have been told that you and your family still have strong connections in the police department and my efforts to get help would get me nowhere. So I will leave it up to the news media to do my digging. Good luck and don't cross my path ever again.”

However, Richard was reacting to rumors, not fact. Ricky hadn't known about The Pit until last year. It was assumed that the last sentence referred to the time Richard gave Ricky dirty looks and tried to intimidate him at Mingles, a bar in West Springfield, where Ricky and his friends used to sing karaoke.

Ricky S. first emailed me directly in early April of 2023, stating that he had a story to tell—about a 2013 case involving him being the victim in a pedestrian accident at Walmart on Boston Road, and how the Springfield Police screwed it up when they arrived and ended up arresting him instead of the driver.

However, in the same email, Ricky S. wrote that had also been in contact with Tammy’s sister Allison, who was previously exchanging texts with him because she was pursuing leads in the murder, and the Lynds family had obviously long believed Tammy was supposed to meet Ricky S. the night she disappeared. Much of this theory is based on the fact that Ricky S. and Tammy had been sexual partners—or shall we say friends with benefits, and there was also a notation from Tammy’s mother, Susan, who had hand-written in her detailed chronicles of her family’s investigation that a friend of Tammy told her that she was meeting a “Ricky” that night:

Interestingly, during the course of my writing about Tammy’s murder in 2023, it was discovered that Tammy was also intimate with another Ricky, who lived on Carew Street.

But Tammy’s friend—the one that Susan listed as the source of what this “Ricky” had “admitted” about their planned meeting—told me that, despite what Susan wrote, he does not remember talking to Ricky D. from Carew Street about Tammy back in 1994. “And I have a great memory,” he added. Moreover, he certainly didn’t talk to Ricky S. about her.

So who was a supposedly pregnant Tammy supposed to meet the night of July 21, 1994? David B, according to notations from Tammy’s parents below, “saw Tammy in spring 1994.” Did they end their relationship before the summer, or was he seeing her at the time of her death? 

And then there’s the notion that Tammy had an abusive boyfriend, according to a 12-year-old girlfriend of Tammy’s. In this revelation, six months into this blog’s coverage of the murder, her girlfriend said that when Tammy was late meeting her un-named boyfriend, he would hit her. In fact, the last thing Tammy said to her the night she went missing was that she would be late again, and her boyfriend would “act out.”

Again, I ask, who was Tammy planning to get together with that fateful night? It’s the key question that this blog hasn’t been able to answer, because no one has supplied this crucial information. 

When Ricky S. first contacted me, he said that once “his face gets out there” as he publicized his own story about his accident in the Walmart parking lot—and the police allegedly altering evidence about it, along with denying him medical attention—he was certain that Allison would contact him again about her sister’s murder.

And Ricky S. was still eager to talk about Tammy’s case, because even though he was cleared by police less than a month after Tammy was found, he remains the main suspect in many people’s minds because of gossip. He is at a self-professed transformational stage in his life in which he would like to exorcise some demons—of which he has many. Because of years of a non-diagnosed overactive thyroid, he had experienced mental health issues and several suicide attempts.

So how better, by his reasoning, to set the record straight regarding his perceived involvement in Tammy’s murder than to have a blogger help solve the case—or at least make progress, and give it enough exposure to regenerate public and police interest in the homicide?

And I was more than willing to oblige. “Holy shit!” I said. “This is actually R.S., who Richard suspects killed his daughter!” I had wondered for four years who this was. Ricky was willing to let me use his full name in the blog, but I told him I was inclined not to, because in the eyes of some he was still a main suspect.

But in the spirit of more disclosure now, and with his OK, here’s his full name: Ricky Stebbins. He’s the one who connected me with Richard Lynds when my writing about Tammy resumed. Richard and Ricky at that stage seemed to get along, however awkwardly, which still marked a departure because they were both initially suspects and had been leery of one another: Ricky was taken from class, brought to the police station, and had photos of Tammy’s skeleton shoved in his face during questioning. Richard took a couple of polygraphs, which were deemed “inconclusive,” said Richard, who in 2013 was told by the DA’s Office he was no longer a suspect.

Now here were two initial suspects that were not exactly working together, but at least communicating about the case. Unfortunately, that relationship eventually soured, partially because they both have strong personalities.

Richard at first was hesitant to talk to Hell’s Acres because I am an anonymous blogger and he didn’t know me. But then he had a change of heart and eventually trusted me. The first theory that he revealed was that Susan, his wife, was high on his list of suspects, and not just because she and Tammy verbally and physically fought frequently.

“One of the unusual things that has had me confused is, the morning that Susan reported Tammy was missing started off as a normal day for me,” said Richard. “I got up to get ready for work, eating breakfast, getting dressed, making my, lunch and leaving. But that morning, Susan was completely dressed. Normally, as I would get ready for work, she would get out of bed in her nightgown.”

Richard was also suspicious of Susan taking such detailed notes and of her talks with kids in the neighborhood during her own investigation. “She has too much info written down—having meetings and conversations with a few people high on my list,” he said. “Plus, there were problems that were happening between Tammy and her before Tammy was missing. There are a few other factors that I know of that just does not add up right. Remember, I lived through everything firsthand.”

I found this difficult to swallow because in going through Susan’s files, her notes have been a great help to me in sorting out the early months of the investigation. They documented what was going on, possible leads, and who the main players were. Her notes are especially important nowadays, because the original police investigative files were lost. But Richard didn’t see it that way. I asked him if he had told police about this hunch.

“My feelings about Sue—no I have not reported this to anyone,” he said. “Who would I tell and who would listen?”

I guess this is the part where I invite Susan to weigh in, because I’ve gotten only one side of the family story before Richard died last year. I had heard through the grapevine that Susan doesn’t want to get involved at this point—and hasn’t for a while—but I can’t fathom the idea that she’d want to stay on the sidelines forever. She might have accumulated useful information over the years. And after all, the threat of a public pissing contest with Richard is gone now. So the invitation is out there. Plus, her voice, whether she likes it or not, is already all over this series through her notes. I’m happy to report that Allison is starting to become engaged in this blog—minimally—but she is interested in helping me, and that is a big step forward.

Still, I thought we would have made more progress in a year since I began to explore this murder in depth. Because we’re in a period of inertia, I’m taking the liberty of publishing the names of people who had befriended Tammy (compiled by the Lynds family), as well as names from Tammy’s address book. In doing this, I know full well that I run the risk of some getting of her friends and associates angry, and because of this, giving them an excuse not to talk to me—even off the record, or under pseudonyms, because I supposedly violated their privacy. But so be it. This cold case has reached the stage where very few of her friends have responded to my direct requests to ask them questions, so they aren’t likely to talk to me in the future anyway.

Or are they?

Look, my hope is that putting these names out there might get people communicating. My only request is that readers don’t send in comments claiming certain people from these lists likely killed Tammy. I will not publish these accusations. If you have suspicions about specific associates of hers, just send an email to hellsacres@gmail.com.

This is a list Tammy’s parents had compiled of people Tammy knew—they sought out these students' photos in the Kiley and Kennedy Junior High yearbooks:

Yes, it says next to one kid’s name, “used to harass our Tammy.” April Brueno, who is Tammy’s cousin, is on this page.

Below are the pages are from Tammy’s phone ledger and the address portion of her diary. The phone numbers and addresses are redacted. I also cut out the last names of the Ricky D. and “David B,” who was her boyfriend, in the hope that they’re not contacted by trolls.

You’ll see that there are some comments that Susan had written in the phone ledger, such as “talked to his mom” and “phone always busy.”

Eric “Surge” is actually Eric Surridge, who had several arrests, including grand larceny and DUI drugs, and died by suicide in 2016.

These Susan comments above include the notion that Central High School students have the ability to get “abortions without notice to parents.” Richard had mentioned to me the possibility that Tammy once had an abortion.

A commenter in Part 14 of this blog series about Tammy listed some of her from Central High School: Kelly Hooper, Kristy Gzimalowski, Melanie Glynn, Virginia Hudson, Aiden Kelly, Anna Leilien, Mike Edgett, Joe Morrissey, Michael Rabbit, and Dominique Potter. I Facebook messaged a couple of them without responses. Tragically, Mike Edgett died in a car crash in 2022.

Surely, SOMEONE has SOMETHING to say 30 years after Tammy’s death. I know there is a hero out there—someone who can connect Tammy’s whereabouts from the time she snuck out of her house to the place she was found off Fox Road. It may be some small fact that may lead to another…and another…

I’m going to end this post with a quote from author James A. Autry that I had included at the end of one of my posts on the Danny Croteau cold case, which ended up being solved, to the surprise of many:

“I believe it is the nature of people to be heroes, given the chance.”

Read Part 1

Read Part 2

Read Part 3

Read Part 4

Read Part 5

Read Part 6

Read Part 7

Read Part 8

Read Part 9

Read Part 10

Read Part 11

Read Part 12

Read Part 13

Read Part 14

Read Part 15

Read Part 16

Read Part 17

Read Part 18

Read Part 19

Read Part 20

Read Part 21

Read Part 22

Read Part 23

Read Part 24


Ricky said...

Maybe Susan would feel more comfortable sharing what she remembers, if she had a better idea of what she was getting herself into first.

With that said, if anyone wants to let Susan know that I’m willing to make a video of my messages with Richard and share it with her. I’d really appreciate it.

Ricky said...

Unfortunately I understand Susan’s reluctance to help with any of this. I heard she was willing to help a few years ago, but it was a very negative experience for her, through no fault of her own, that’s where I believe the rumors that she doesn’t want to get involved come from, she was chased away.

Here is something that isn’t in my messages with Richard, it came from the same people Richard had feeding me wild rumors.

Richard went around telling people that he stole Tammy’s file in their divorce and Susan didn’t know he had it and she thought it was lost forever. Who would brag about something like this in a murder investigation?
I would love to know if this story is true, seeing that pages from this collection started popping up online 10 months ago and no one has commented about it. If Richard did steal Susan’s file, would she like a copy of it back?
Has Susan seen the autopsy report Richard was given just over a decade ago? She may be able to confirm if Tammy was missing items. This necklace someone claims was taken and did she leave her watch home?

Also, In the last few weeks I’ve learned of two more girls in the neighborhood that Tammy was having issues with and it’s been a year since I started asking people about her. No one wants to share what any of these childhood issues were regarding, but learning that Tammy was going around hollering obscenities at people in the middle of the street, shortly before she went missing, makes it obvious to me that she wasn’t just butting heads with her mother and girls at school.

At this point Susan is the only hope of sorting through all the rumors that people started spreading around and finding some facts in Tammy’s case. So many people were scared away in the last couple years, it’s been very difficult getting anyone to start speaking again and when I do get people to talk, they don’t want to share anything publicly.

It’s really sad to say, but almost all of this negative stuff originated with Richard, someone who should’ve been going above and beyond to find out what happened to Tammy, not spread rumors.

I’m not sure if hearing this will help, but I’ve spoken with several people who have worked with Susan or spent time with her while Tammy was missing and they all have had nothing but the nicest things to say about her. People have said Susan was the one making posters and going around hanging them, she was the one searching for Tammy, making phone calls and interviewing people Tammy knew. I haven’t heard anyone say Richard did any of this, he was the only one patting himself on the back for all his hard work that no one witnessed.

This blog is the only chance of spreading Tammy’s story and maybe even solving her case.

Hell’s Acres said...

I don’t know what to tell you Ricky. I know you two didn’t like each other, but I would love to know where you get these wild stories, because Richard never bragged to me about this.

Anonymous said...

What do you think about all of this Allison?

Anonymous said...

They took terrible video back in the day. Audio is pretty bad too, sounds like an army marching and you barely see Tammy. Only Ricky would admit to putting gum in her hair… 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 jackass

Anonymous said...

Coach Christopher and Coach Akers look so young.


Anonymous said...

If the Lynds have given up. You should give Ricky Stebbins copies of everything Richard Lynds gave you.

Anonymous said...

Any word on that memorial bench for Tammy?

Anonymous said...

Dude, come on… Those police officers didn’t screw anything up, they aided and abetted a woman driving without car insurance, with a suspended registration and a rejection sticker for safety. It’s all in Ricky’s videos on YouTube… then ADA Johnston and Judge Hadley helped cover it up…. 🤣 dishonorable pieces of trash…. Massachusetts is so corrupt and its citizens are to lazy to do anything about it… Look at that poor Jenna, begging for help in her moms case and the only people she has to work with are those scumbag lying pieces of trash you call the springfield police department…. I can’t believe Judge Hadley was such a little bitch and ran his pathetic mouth, he’s so stupid….
How much longer do you think the commonwealth of Massachusetts is going to try to stall Ricky in his current case? It’s already been over 2 1/2 years… It doesn’t bother anyone that Ricky posts pictures of abused mentally challenged people and talks about how Massachusetts DPPC helps cover up this abuse??? 😮

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, people have had 30 years to be heroes for Tammy and this case is no closer to being solved than the day her remains were discovered. The people who may know what happened have all remained silent. Why? Well, if someone has details, they were involved and have something to lose...and there's no statute of limitations for murder. Or maybe they're afraid of the murderer...even after 30 years. Or maybe they just don't care...as sad as that sounds. The police??? The fact that they LOST HER FILE is frankly all you need to know about that department. Maybe Tammy's case will be solved years from now with a deathbed confession...someone who has held onto it for a lifetime...maybe... but if they've had 30 years to come forward, how much more time do they need?

Anonymous said...

Hopefully your readers are also keeping up with the Karen Read trial. It’s time citizens start holding law enforcement and those who enforce our legal system accountable for their actions. People deserve answers, the city of springfield had 30 years to stay silent, it’s time to publicly inform citizens of all the mistakes that were made in Tammy’s case.
How does the city of springfield and its police force expect citizens to have faith in detectives ability to do their jobs, when they refuse to admit to any mistakes they’ve made along the way?
Springfield police officers are compulsive liars, that’s why they’ll never comment on the record,

Anonymous said...

My God man, that Karen Read trial is a disaster for the state. They’re altering video now too. 🤣

Anonymous said...

Hell’s Acres, you gotta contact Rickys ex Beth or her daughter Olivia… Imagine if Ricky is lying about all of this??? Have you seen his crap videos or read those emails he sent to his lawyer??? This shit is right out of the movies… There’s no way this is legit….

Anonymous said...

Bro… Lou Rock is back too and Tammy was speaking with him on the spirit box… Richard and Allison have both tried contacting Tammy, why hasn’t Ricky??? He got something to hide???

Anonymous said...

That’s a great idea. Your readers deserve the truth. I’m kinda tired of hearing Ricky’s one sided stories. What emails are you talking about?

Ricky said...

I’ve already won my court case, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts has been stalling for over 2 1/2 years, with the help of my previous lawyers. they’re all terrified of what I’m going to say on the stand.

Not only have I won my case, I have done so without saying one negative thing about my ex Beth. All my lawyers have gotten super pissed off at me when I refuse to call her a liar or slander her in any way.

Our legal system is totally corrupt. In my cases from 2013-2015, judges, district attorneys, police officers and all my lawyers, conspired against me to cover up some girl driving without car insurance, turns out she was committing insurance fraud as well. Using her sisters address for a cheaper rate, her sister also works for the district attorney’s office. Big surprise

Ricky said...

In my current misdemeanor assault case against my ex from October 4, 2021, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts agreed to let me go to trial May 24, 2023, the problem here was my lawyer Michael O’Doherty told me that I couldn’t talk about all the abuse Beth’s son endured in the care of the state, he said I could only talk about the things Beth said to me the morning of Oct 4th, he wanted me to make her out to be a monster without any context.

The day I was supposed to have trial, I told attorney O’Doherty that what he told me to do was unethical and immoral and I wasn’t going to withhold evidence of Beth’s son being abused or all the stress these events caused her, from the jury, I told him I was gonna tell it all. I was literally talking to Beth about all my court issues and how the state has been covering up all the abuse her son endured, the very morning this alleged incident occurred, so I’m not going to leave it out. Beth had wanted me to become co-guardian to her son, because of the laundry list of abuse, this poor kid endured and she was pushing me to get my record expunged. Her son’s guardianship court date was coming up and she thought I would be able to get my felonies removed from my record before then. That’s why O’Doherty ran into the courtroom like a little bitch and canceled my trial ( for anyone who’s read my emails to my current lawyer on Facebook, YouTube and TikTok),

For anyone who thinks I’m lying or making things up, I encourage you to call our governors office, attorney general and the mass state police and ask them some questions about citizens rights.

I asked these

Who can citizens report crimes committed by judges, district attorney or local police officers?

What can I do if a district attorney is currently stalling a court case?

Who can I report crimes committed by people who work for the DPPC?
I told my story about dppc employees altering my abuse reports, the ones I filed on behalf of disabled people, people who couldn’t speak for themselves. The Disabled Peoples Protection Commission is supposed to protect disabled people, but that’s bold faced lie.

I was told by all three groups that there are no government agencies that protect regular citizens from dirty judges, district attorneys or law enforcement. It doesn’t matter if I have proof, they will never bring charges against or investigate crimes committed by anyone who works for the state, their job is to represent them.

I was told by all three entities that I need to hire my own lawyer if I wanted to expose all the abuse going on in these group homes and try to get Justice for what happened to me starting in 2013. I was highly disappointed in my conversation with the state police women from the northampton detectives unit, mainly because it is the state police’s job to review every report made to the DPPC and the reports I file were altered without my consent and abuse was covered up and this trooper told me there’s nothing I can do about it, Nobody cares and if I do want to try helping these disabled kids, I have to hire my own lawyer. When I told her I was also disabled and couldn’t afford to, she said I was out of luck and she’s sorry she can’t help.

I’m so grateful that Beth never dropped these charges. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts is so fucked. I was sick from early 2021 until I was able to get back on my thyroid meds, which unfortunately happened after my Dad died in 2022, so I didn’t have any fight at all in me, I just wanted to run away from it all of this madness. You guys think the Karen Read murder trial is a shit show, just wait for my misdemeanor assault trial. I’m going to make the Commonwealth of Massachusetts regret not protecting its citizens from corruption in our legal system. They let brought this shit on themselves, it’s time these scumbags answer for their crimes.

Ricky said...

I have no issues with Lou Rock. I’ve told people many times that Lou was the reason I decided to poke my head out in the first place. His videos talking about a pit near where Tammy was found, were too much for me to ignore. When I last spoke with Lou, he had nothing but nice things to say about Richard Lynds and claimed he’d been working with him these last few years. Unfortunately Lou was clueless to a lot of the things I brought up, things I heard from Richard and the people he had sharing rumors.

I stopped talking to Lou after someone left a small log on my front steps. I assume it was to get me upset, so I used that motivation to push me in a more positive direction, I don’t care who left it or if it was meant as a joke.

I received that log after I had recently called Richard Lynds out publicly, for lying to me and trying to act incompetent when faced with simple questions. ( the same thing I’m experiencing with the commonwealth of Massachusetts right now).

Richard told me in writing that he had not worked with Lou in 3 years, he even went so far as to claim [redacted].

I took that as Richard has been lying and withholding information from Lou as well. So there was no point in me continuing pumping Lou for information he obviously didn’t have.

Richard was desperate for sympathy after my public questioning. He thought having heart surgery would make him look like a helpless old man, he was hoping that would distract people from seeing what he was up to.

If Lou wants to make a video to draw attention to Tammy’s case, I’m all for it, but I’m going to keep asking the same questions and making the same remarks, until I start getting real answers, I’m tired of the rigmarole.

Anonymous said...

What do discussions about spirit boxes and Ricky's court case have to do with solving the 30 year old murder of a 15 year old girl?? If you have relevant info, great- share it with the right people. It seems that the recent posts are losing sight of the real issue.

Anonymous said...

I think that is the point Ricky is trying to make. After watching all that stuff, it’s pretty apparent that there is no right people to share any of this with. I’ll cover what I saw of the springfield police alone.

1. Springfield police botched Tammy’s missing persons case from day one.

2. Springfield police haphazardly collect Tammy’s remains and toss them in a trunk.

3.Springfield police illegally drag kids down to the police station for questioning, even though Tammy wouldn’t be labeled a homicide victim for another 15 years.

4. Springfield police lose Tammy’s file.

1.They allowed someone who was driving with a suspended registration, a rejection sticker for safety and without car insurance, to drive away from an accident with a pedestrian and denied him medical attention.

2.springfield police then alter their police report to omit these facts.

3. Ricky files a complaint and Springfield police investigators help cover up him being denied medical attention and this drivers insurance and registration issues

4. Springfield police investigators lie in their report about how events unfolded.

This is a very disturbing pattern of behavior from a group of people in a position of authority, who regular folks are supposed to be able to trust.

How do we know that a springfield police officer wasn’t involved in Tammy’s murder? There is zero accountability, zero explanation.

This all sounds totally made up. That’s probably why there are videos about spirit box’s and rapists living at the end of Fox rd. Those get way more views, likes and positive comments.

Anonymous said...

Fuck this, I hope to GOD Ricky is telling the truth, if they’re really abusing mentally challenged kids and locking them in closets, that’s SUPER FUCKED UP and need to end. What kind of world do we live in where people would ignore a horrible issue like that and go about their days like everything is all sunshine and roses.
He seems to think there is a link between the past and the present. No one else sees this?

Anonymous said...

Tammy’s ex-boyfriend David has a paranormal video. The grim reaper paid him a visit, smashed one of his packages and got touchy feely with his wife on the couch, so they moved to Florida.

Anonymous said...

Lou Rock used his Spirit Box sessions to draw attention to Tammy’s Murder. A couple years ago, Tammy’s friends were trying to help too.
Allison told use she was writing a book and she recorded all the conversations we had.
Mama Rock even made that memorial page for Tammy on Facebook.
None of you would know about that pit or that Tammy’s diary still exists if it wasn’t for the Rock Family. Allison thought it was lost, she didn’t know her father still had it hidden.

Anonymous said...

It makes sense that a Springfield Police Officer probably killed Tammy, they most likely knew she was there the entire time. Why else would they do such a half-assed job investigating her case?

You’ll never find out what happened to Tammy Lynds or Karen Soucie if you leave these cases in the incapable hands of the Springfield Police Department or Massachusetts State Police.

Father Richard Levigne gave a worthless death bed confession. This confession was obtained while this elderly man was most likely on mind altering pain medication.

Gary Schara gave himself up in the Liza Zeigert murder investigation, law enforcement will try to take credit for it, but it was Gary alone who made this conviction possible.
Unlike Father Levigne, this Gary Schara was totally aware of the monster he was and his own conscience got him to write his three letters.

There seems to be a problem here and no one wants to fix it. No one even wants to talk about it.
Do you guys think you’re just gonna get lucky and someone is going to confess to killing Tammy and Karen?
Now that’s ridiculous

Anonymous said...

What do you think the real issue is?

I recently read that has been over 1,500 murders in Springfield, MA since 1980 and close to half of them are unsolved cold cases.

There was a kid Carlos Falcon who was murdered in Feb 1995 by a gang member in the KFC parking lot on state st. His was a case of mistaken identity.

Given the amount of violent gangs in Springfield at that time, those stories about Tammy getting into horrible fights at school, the fact that this was supposed to go to court and one of those people involved in the assault on Tammy later became a firefighter, makes me wonder if this guy had any connections to any police officers and/or gang members back then.

These are for Hells Acres, were those charges just for assault? Or was it assault with a deadly weapon? She was kicked in the head wasn’t she?

There were obviously witnesses to this attack, so the odds of this guy being found not guilty were probably pretty slim.

Do you know what type of penalty was he was possibly facing?

I also wonder if Richard could’ve made this situation worse. He wasn’t known for his kind words. Could he have pissed someone off enough to kill Tammy, so the Lynds wouldn’t get their day in court?

Maybe someone tried to convince Tammy to drop the charges and things didn’t go as planned.

Anonymous said...

I simple comment solves a 46 year old cold case. Anything is possible.

Anonymous said...

Why don’t you try reaching out to Susan again?

Anonymous said...

What is this comment in reference to?